Warrior's Threshold

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What are you looking at!?!

This is my home. I am the keeper of this place. Inside its walls you will hear many tales and see many wonderful things. But above all, you will hear of the ways of my Lord Jesus, told with passion. These walls are home to encouraging tales ofPraise God Praise God men and women who have faced the most unspeakable evil and survived by the Sword they carry and the favor of the One they serve. Hear you to can develope your own tale as the warriors within tell you of how they overcame. Listen to their words, they are not spoken out of pride but in the absence of pride. Many of these have fallen into deep pits, there to find that life cannot be lived by ones own strength. So walk these halls humbly and listen to the vioces inside. They may have something worth listening to.

Warrior's Castle

This is the back door to my castle.
Doesn't work for Netscape.


A Little Bit Of
Download Time Here,
But It Is Worth It!!!

Tourniquet Sez

Scripture of the Week

This Kings Servant

Halls of other Kings Servants

Do You Know Jesus


My Tourniquet Page

Items to be Destroyed
Bitterness and unforgiveness delt with here!

Web Design

Warrior's Riffs

Warrior's Awards


Sign the scrolls dudes
And if you have, go visit them again
I'm leaving messages back!!

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England & Africa

My missionary ventures for my Doulos class.

This web site made possible by God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit.
Through His Grace and His Son's Blood.
Any views expressed here are inspired by Him.
Though presented through the mouth of an imperfect human.
Anything found within that
inacurately expresses His heart, I apologize for now.
If you have any comment, good bad or otherwise, please email me.
Praise God!!!