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David "rabbi" Vorspan Bonnie "el director" Vorspan Alisha "that Sela girl" Vorspan-Sela Benji "super-cool guy" Vorspan Shaina "Mable" Vorspan

On a quiet street in Anytown U.S.A. there is a refuge from the traffic jams and thick smog of the big city. There might not be as many oak-dotted hills as there were at one time, and the once empty schoolhouse again rings its bells proudly every morning, even on weekends when you are trying to sleep, but it is home to the Vorspans.

In a humble 4500 square-foot house, David and Bonnie raised a family. It was a home filled with the smell of roasted chicken on Friday nights, the pitter-patter of little feet running to do some thing that must have been time sensitive if they had to run to do it, and a 6 year-old purim carnival goldfish who still doesn't have a definite name. And love.

We invite you to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, to a time when short shorts were the fashion -- even on guys, when the California Raisons were an actual musical group, and websites like this one would take 45 minutes to load. It was a simpler time, perhaps too simple. Perhaps not. Either way, take a moment to learn about the extraordinary family that has become known as the Vorspans, to share their joys and sorrows, ups and downs, and so on.