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pictures not of me

More than often, a lot of people have asked me to provide a picture of myself. However, due to the lack of a scanner, I have hence provided images that do not look like me so that you have an idea about my appearance.
When you're done, please return to the page that you were at by hitting the "BACK" button on your browser, but knowing you people, you won't do as I have just told you....
Psylocke from Marvel (taken from This Marvel page ) Jean Grey from Marvel (taken from This Marvel page )
Rogue from Marvel (my fave! taken from This Marvel page  ) White Queen from Marvel (taken from This Marvel page )
What the people who created Imac ought to have thought of. (taken from Toybox ) I wish I knew who this girl is. (taken from This Marvel Page )
The main female character in Final Fantasy X
Now, will you please RETURN to where you came from?