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Basic Wiccan Ritual Construction

Wicca 101 Reading List!

Basic Ritual Elements

Step 1- Gather all supplies and items to be used in the ritual and place inside the circle area or around it within reach.
Step 2 - Take a bath and dress in robes reserved for ritual use.
Step 3 - Do meditation exercise.
Step 4 - Start music if desired. Ground and Center self. Take phone off hook.
Step 5 - "Sweep" circle area using besome. Do so visualising the scattering of all negativity.
Step 6 - Light Sage and Incense. Go around circle in deosil direction gently waftting smoke from you to outside of circle. Do so visualising the scattering of all negativity.
Step 7 - Take consecrated salt and go around circle in deosil direction scattering salt so as to create a ring around the outside boundaries of your circle. Do so visualising the scattering of all negativity.
Step 8 - Light Goddess and God Candles.
Step 9 - Invocation of the God and Goddess.
Step 10 - Calling of the Watchtowers.
Step 11 - Invitation of personal helpers or special spirits.
Step 12 - Ritual work
Step 13 - Expression of thanks to the Goddess and God.
Step 14 - Dismissal of personal helpers and special spirits.
Step 15 - Dismissal of the Watchtowers.
Step 16 - Scattering of all elementals and spirits attracted to the ritual.
Step 17 - Sharing of libations.

Author : Taloweg (assignment 5 / Novice year/ Oakstone Wiccan Center)