Spicy Nation's Banner Exchange
Got a Spice Site? Got a 400x40 pixel banner that you think is outta site? Then you're good as gold to be in the Spicy Nation Banner Exchange! Just fill out this quick form and you're all set! But, if you can't use the form, e-mail me at baby97@earthlink.net.
Rules if you'll use this form:
• You must have a netscape browser or an AOL browser. If you've got Microsoft Internet Explorer, please just e-mail me.


Name Of Site:

Banner URL:

And after you've done that, copy this code onto your site:

<A HREF="https://www.angelfire.com/ca/veryspicy/banner.html"><IMG SRC="https://www.angelfire.com/ca/veryspicy/images/LITTLE.JPG"></a><A HREF="http://www.orbitcycle.com:811/router/spicegirls1/400x40.spice/698VCZDNJA" TARGET="_top">
<IMG SRC="http://www.orbitcycle.com:811/banners/spicegirls1/400x40.spice/698VCZDNJA" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=40></A><bR>
<center><font size="1"><font face="arial"><A HREF="https://www.angelfire.com/ca/veryspicy/banner.html">Spicy Nation's Banner Exchange</a><br>

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