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Total Chaos is one of the newest Stables in the UWF.They have been rising up the ranks and have already gained some enemys. Rey Mysterio Jr. has recently had a run in with the law of the UWF. He was cussing and putting down chairman kevin Kelley and was almost suspended for 30 days losing his privilige to face Eddie Guerrero at cyberslam for the cruiserweight title. He was forced to apologize which in that he sarcastically apologized and said he hated kelley. He is now on a 30 day probationary period. Rey has also made it to the finals of the U.S/European title belt tournament and was then injured by the Wrath That Is Metropolis. Metropolis went on to win the belt. Harlem heat have recently competed in the U.S tag team title belt tournament. They were eliminated in the second round. Ultimo Dragon hasn't been doing much lately but has competed with Van Hammer, the former T.V title holder for the belt. It was in a cage and Ultimo lost unfortunately. Total Chaos has had nine members but they were al carrying losing records and that is not tolerated here in Total Chaos. Rey Mysterio has the best record in the stable and is carrying and imppressive 8-0 record. He is hopeful to win the Cruiserweight title today at cyberslam. Rey is the leader of Tota Chaos. At first Total Chaos had the intent to take over the fed. But now they have toned it down to just being involed in the wars they indure ad being apart of destroying the bullies of the fed, the Cash Money Brothers. Total Chaos hopes to stay together for a long time and be a part of the great fed that is the UWF. I would like to say that Total Chaos has only good intentions and that's the way it will stay. Here is a list of members from Total Chaos. Ultimo Dragon: Finisher:Dragon Sleeper Rey Mysterio Jr.: Finisher: Hurricanrona Pin Harlem Heat: Stevie Ray: Booker T: Finnishers: Harlem Hangover the Steiner Bros.: Not no more. Got kicked out because they sucked. Total Chaos is going for belts in the UWF is has a taste for gold. They hope to get heir fair share of it in the next while.

Members of Total Chaos

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listen to the horror, the carnage and the rage of how the beast named Logan was created.
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