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Life at the Cabin!

Kevin presents the overview view of the area. He is perched atop the "Milennium Rock", as he will be happy to attest. Note the hot tub, in front of the metal water tank.

A Bird's Eye View!

Here's a stunning picture of Allie sitting in front of Olancha Peak in the spring. Things are just beginning to blossom. It's a great shot!

Hat Day

Here's the trusty '65 International Scout. It's a pretty rugged cabin-mobile, but right now is incapacitated. Should be back on the road this weekend with a new fuel pump. It still is useful for scaring off the lookie-loo's and squatters. Haven't seen any (of either) to date!

From the Gate!

Here is our shrine to the Virgin Mary and the "Potpile Bush" (note the sign). Originally erected by Tony Torres, we keep it in it's original condition in his memory.

Looking Up!

Another view of 12,093' Olancha Peak, and the hot tub (in the summer). It's great up there!

Snowy Peaks!

This picture was taken during the massive blizzard of Feb.,1999. We were snowed in for 3 days. It was awesome! We had to haul Allie (strapped in her car seat) and Chutney (in his cat-box) out on a rescue sled through 3 foot drifts. I'll relate the tale in these spaces someday.

Snowed In!

This satellite image was taken in 1995. It shows the neighbor's ranch to the north, and our place to the south (lower edge). It was taken before the big fire. Cool, huh?

Snowed In!

This satellite image is as close as I can zoom in from the satellite data. It clearly shows us, sitting (naked) in the hot tub. I could have save a lot of space in my directory, by just linking to the microsoft "Terra Server" image, but that would have allowed any viewer to determine the location of "Shangri-La". We didn't want that.

Snowed In!

Some of the local sites...

Petroglyph Pete!

This is a view of some of the local petroglyphs at Horseshoe Canyon. Off limits to all but those "in the know"!

Cabin Situation in Feb, 2001

Wow! What a Storm!!

This was taken 16 Feb., 2001. Lucky we weren't stranded (again!)