The First Week Back

The first days back at school at the most impressionable. It's the time when you must assure the Thems that you've only increased in weirdness over the summer. Also, you must make sure that new students, and all your new teachers understand your position. Which is, as far as I know, "I am a Lestatheist. I have comtempt for the world, school, and all of you."

Scowls, Growls, and Looks

At school, people will bump into you, try to talk to you, and constantly approach you until they finally understand your fierce body language which tells them to run for their lives. Until this happens, you can make sure to constantly have a look of hate or apathy on your face. Don't be afriad to bark or growl at people. Scowls are good too. Anything frightening which convays your simple but often misinterupted message of wanting to be left alone.

Taking a Back Seat

Most teachers in Junior High, High School, or College will let you sit where ever you want. Take advantage of this situation. If you don't know anyone in the class, sit in the back. If it's a class like science and you know you'll be forced to work with a lab partner, see if there's anyone you can get along with and try to sit with them. Your survival and happiness is directly related to how far back you sit. It means you can get away with more, because you're so distanced from the teacher.


This is directly relative to how much you care about the class. Last year in math (for my own sake, I won't tell you which level), I tried as hard as I could for the first semester. I studied, I did the homework, I took notes, I paid attention in class, and I tried to get help from friends and fellow students. I still failed every test. In this particular class, tests made up 85% of the grade. So, of course, I failed. Since our school doesn't offer this class as summer school, I knew I had to repeat it already. So I just had fun with the second semester. I drew pictures in the scan-tron bubbles and answered other questions with stupid jokes.

School Supplies

Dispite Knopf's aggressive marketing of the Vampire Chronicles, one thing they have not done is make school supplies out of them. Perhaps that's for the best, but that means you have to find the next best thing. Whatever that may be is up to you. Personally, I like those binders you can put pictures in.

The New You

So over the summer you had a revalation and decided to become what you've always been deep down--what others would call "Gothic". But no one at school has seen this new you yet, except maybe your friends. To get the message across, make sure to over do it the first week. After that, you can calm down a little.

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