Academics of High School

"That is, how you would say today... bullshit?"
- Louis de Pointe du Lac

Okay, so Louis wasn't exactly talking about High School. In fact, he was talking to Daniel about crosses and stakes and their rumored effects on vampires. But as Lestatheists, you knew that. Anyhow, I know if Louis were asked about the school system today (and had he been through it) he would agree that is also bullshit.

Where School Employees Come From

Nobody knows everything. Some people are, in fact, completely clueless. These people usually get jobs as school administrators, teachers, or campus cops. The other option for these people is politics, but as you can see if you watch CNN for five minutes we have too many of them in that field already.

Lestat Didn't GET to Go To School

Remember Lestat's bitterness towards his father for pulling him out of school? Well, in those days (roughly the 1770s or 80s) when you went to school, you actually got an education as well as a better social standing. You learned something. These days, high school is more or less a joke that you have to survive in order to get a real education later in college. Let's face it; if Lestat had grown up in the 1980s, he would have thanked his father for yanking him out of that Hell.

Just Because They Went To College....

Doesn't mean they're smart. Anyone can go to college and even graduate. Not everyone learns anything from it. My algebra teacher majored in psychology--which explains her little "talks" to see if I was insane--but knew very little about math. She would do problems on the board, get them wrong, and the genius kids would correct her. Everyone in that class who couldn't teach themselves failed. Like me for example. Math goes straight over my head. What can you do about these types of teachers?

Transfer! I know, I know. If your school is anything like mine, the counselors are entirely against the students (except the football players and cheerleaders...and sad as that is, I mean that literally. Talk about fitting stereotypes.) and won't just let them transfer. But if you can, have Mom or Dad or Aunt Jill go scream at them and get another teacher. If there is no other teacher who teaches the same class, you could always jump off a bridge. (Note: Suicide is not the answer! Always try homicide FIRST!)

Campus Cops

My school has two people--if you can call them that--named Pam and Mr. Rich who are in charge of enforcing the dress code, the anti-drug policy, and the tardy system. Basically, campus cops with less power than real campus cops. (And you know what little power they have.) They carry walkie-talkies and run around like they own the place. The problem is they're so obsessed with their power that they abuse it. They punish kids for stupid things.

Trying to Solve Problems That Have no Solution

Forgive me, for I am about speak about something that everyone is sick of hearing about. The Littleton incident. I know, I know. But after that happened (and because it came after a few other school shootings), my school, like so many others, freaked out. They banned trench coats last year and recently tightened our dress code. They also made us participate in several drills and evacuation rehearsals in case of an emergency (and yet they don't evacuate for bomb threats).

Why Tutors Don't Work!

I truly feel like an idiot because I am so horrid at math. For some reason, my brain will not grasp the concepts. Even tutors don't work. They can explain it to me 6 times and then finally I lie and pretend I understand, just so I don't have to hear it a 7th time. The only people who can teach me this are the people who speak my language. Basically, tutors are a waste of time and money. Not always, but most of the time. Plus, it's sort of embarrassing, not that you should care what others think.


That's all there is to it. Just have fun with it. Scare your teachers, snarl at your peers, and have fun. Because in a few years you can go to college and get a real education.

The Back to School Guide