Web Rings and Credits

I would like to give credit to Lilith's Stuff and Hee Yun's Little Home for the backgrounds and images that have appeared on my pages. I would like to give thanks to Zymph for her help and ideas with the tables and texts, I would like to give thanks, credit and handshakes to Alex Cruise for his help in the general stuff. I would like to thank all the people with awesome homepages out there that gave me the idea that I could do my own awesome page. Some of the texts were taken from pages and I have tried to give credit to those people if it were their original work, or to the people that those pages have given credit for that work to. The credit for texts or ideas should be with them and if they are not, then please email me and I will give you credit. I do not try to claim any of the ideas that are not mine, as my own, and if I have done so unintentionally please let me know.

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