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You may be wondering, what the hell is this crap! Well, just ta let you know, it is...

The Mack Daddy Page!

Right now, Dione Warwick and her psychic buddies advised me that you are now wondering the five W's. Who, What, Where, Why, When, and don't forget How. Well here's the 411:

This page may still be a little rough around the edges, but hey...I'm still tryin' to learn how to do all this HTML crap so give me a break! Aight?! As soon as I figure out what the hell I'm doing, this page will be the !

But for now...farewell! Y'all come back now, ya hear!

Men At Work

On This Page!

Check out these fresh sites:

Soundwaves! The Bay Area's Best Video Show!
Pants Talk? You have to check out this site! Funny stuff here.
Or check out my classic video games!
