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Real Name: Zachary Walker Hanson

Date of Birth: October 22 1985

Fave color: Blue

Eye color: brown

Height: 5'4"

Shoe size: 8 in men's

Fave food: lime Jell-O

Fave candy bar: Reese's P.B. Cups

Fave ice cream: chocolate

Fave subject: Math

Fave TV Shows: Animaniacs

Nicknames: Animal (from the Muppets), Prozac, and Psycho Boy

Loves to embarrass Tay

Always carries a pack of gum

Got his first drum set when he was 9yrs

Likes rollerblading, soccer, hanging in their tree house (which Tay and Ike built for him!)

Says he's shy

Loves cold weather

Still plays with Power Rangers

Zac can talk and burp at the same time

He wrote man from Milwaukee when his family car broke down during a holiday,

His brothers compare him to Bart Simpson

He sleeps on a trundle bed that slips under Ike and Tay's bunk bed

He's a little crazy.

Zac has fallen off his drum kit more than once "fans would write to me and say, 'did you do that on purpose' and I'm like 'no!'" he says

Top five songs for Zac when he was born were 'take on me' by a-ha, 'saving all my love for you' by Whitney Houston, 'part-time lover' by Stevie Wonder, 'oh Sheila' by ready for the world, 'Miami vice theme' by Jan Hammer

Collects bottle caps and stuff from hotels

Compared to Chris Partridge from the partridge family.

Fave moment got the guys kicked off a bus from the mmmbop video.

Second fave moment was when being interviewed by a Swedish mag he kept turning off the recorder,

Biggest secret is that he wants platforms so he could be taller

What Zac looks for in a girl "cells, liver, and a heart, you know?"

"Zac's really bossy and he's always going, 'I'm the drummer, I'll do whatever I want!' On stage he'll speed us up and slow us down 'til we don't know where we are!"-HANSON

"When we first started out, Zac had some old drums that wouldn't stay still-everytime he'd hit them they'd roll across the stage causing real havoc!"-HANSON

"When we were filming in the street for MTV Zac said he'd like to visit a nearby body-piercing parlor. That is until he got a stern look from Mom!"-HANSON


The stuff that we were really inspired by at the beginning was late '50's early '60s. People like Chuck Berry, the Supremes, Aretha Franklin. All the classic people that you can think of from that era of music was really a lot of stuff that we listened to at the beginning of our career.

"They're like my best friends only bester." On Ike and Tay

"What's the point of getting a girlfriend when you're only 11? It's not like you're going to make out"

"We're the long haired guys that look like girls"

"I know what's more important to me than music, to actually be alive! If I'm dead then I can't do music!"

"I love you man!!"

"I think it's probably actually that I'm so shy that I just act wacky to make up"

"We love you people!"

"We're the scream squad"

"If I say I'm the wacky one I always have to be wacky, when I act serious its like why aren't you being wacky? Is this a bad day for you?"

"Mackie has the rhythm. I've got to watch out. He'll steal my place!"

"We love Tulsa!"

"We don't necessarily think we're big shots"

""I'm Goofy-Funny"

"It's not like there's just one type of girl who's right for me, because you say that and then fall for someone who's the exact opposite to what you said."

"I'm not that great a drummer, but everybody says I can play, so I'll take their word for it."

"I can burp and say stuff at the same time"

"We met the Spice Girls and we really liked them. Geri's quite small without her platform shoes on. I'll probably out-grow her in a few months time!"

"I think it's actually that I'm so shy that I just act wacky to make up."

"I'm scared I might be tempted to a nose job!"

"When I saw the video on MTV, I didn't recognise myself! I really thought it was some girl."

"I'm the weirdo. Those two are normal, so normal people usually stick together, but I'm Gonzo." Zac comparing his personality to the wacky character in The Muppet Movie

I'm not that great a drummer, but everybody says I can play, so I'll take their word for it."

Fashion CHECK

None of the Hanson brothers can be called style conscious, the one who comes closest is the wacky Zac. But like his brothers he opts not to wear logos, such as Reebok, LA Gear, and Nike. On a typical, normal day he's likely to wear jeans or sweats and running shoes. On other days, however, he'll be found wearing bright colors, zany fabrics and clothing, and stuff he can wear. At a press conference he wore taxicab yellow parachute pants and yellow vinyl platform shoes to match. If you say the kid has good taste, you better have good definition of "good taste".

Zac's Libra Horoscope

Zac was born October 22, 1985 which would make him a Libra, the kind of guy when you'll never know what he'll say or do next! One minute he'll be happy and laughing, the next he'll be quiet and moody. He can burp and say stuff at the same time. His wild sense of humor is a pure Libran trait. Zac's artistic soul is right on the line of a Libra. Libran's love people, but not big noisy crowds. He's always open to meeting new people, but he's seen covering his ears when crowds are being noisy. Libran's are usually peacemakers in the family, but they can also be the one's to start the arguments.

Libra Traits ~ Moody, mysterious, kind, argumentative, intelligent, gentle, honest, charming.


This fiery dude is going to have some major clashes with authority. His resistance to a conventional life is going to cause some interesting scenarios! January and February could see his first true love and first real heart break- but he'll find loads of sympathetic shoulders to cry on! By May he may be forced to put music second and concentrate on his studies - but he'll do everything in his power to get back on the road again! Zac will realize what a power magnet he is and will start venturing into other money-spinning ideas. Even If the music doesn't last forever, he'll be super rich, and he'll start planning his financial future in August. He's a man to watch out for!