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Tazgals World

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Spins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` ~~~~~~~~~~~Spins~~~~~~~~~~Spins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~Spins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Spins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Spins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is fun want to join me???
NO ??
You sure??
For real??
Last chance??
You are no fun!! *pouts*

I guess spinning isn't for everyone *sighs*. Welcome to my page :-D(big smile). I guess I should say my thanks FIRST after all as my brother would say it's the least i can do,actual the least I can do is nothing hehehehe.Just Kidding!!

Thanks goes to *dklein7*who once upon a time started my page.

Next to my BEST brother Evan who has helped me terrorize the world with my page *L*

Finally my best friend Tammie who put my neopets on here & will be doing my Stephen King page(YES!!!!!People it's finally coming!!)

My name to those of you in cyberland is tazgal or nedy. To those of you that know me in real world (and you are the lucky ones ^_^*L*) Sian (it's said Sh-on.. and no I'm NOT A GUY....TODD!!). What else??

I live with my handsome men Mike(my common law husband) and Dan(my son,i will get some pictures of him on here).Dan was born July 19 2000 with an incomplete cleft lip(used to be know as a harelip). If you like to know more about cleft lips click here Widesmiles. You also can email me!!!

Our taz family is expanding !!i am expected to have second kid on February 2 ^_^
I'd like you to meet my Neopets!!
blue_starneo18pinky_starneo blueguy10001 ringostar25neo
blue_starneo18,pinky_starneo ,blueguy 10001 & my newest addition ringostar25neo.

Send Animated Greeting Cards

Things on my page
Stephen King‘s Books and Movies
Sailor Moon
Hunter(my dog)

Neat Pages
Check out Tammie's page
Tessa's page.I met her through icq, she's almost as crazy as i am!!

People email me with any suggestions for my page!! Bye Now!!
Didn't think i was going to leave without spinning one last time did you??? Enjoy your day!! Thanks for coming by!!

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