Moonshadow's Page!!!!
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Moonshadow's Page!!!!

Hi all! My name is Pete Baskerville and I live in Wiarton, Ontario Canada! Yep, home of Wiarton Willie
I'm 6'8 and 20 years old! I am currently attending the University of Guelph
and I am majoring in Drama! Pretty wicked, eh? I play guitar and I am really interested in planes and just aviation in general. I saw my first airplane when I was 5 years old and have been hooked ever since!!!! I am pretty much into anything that has anything to do with aviation. I am also interested in the story of the Avro Arrow, Canada's famous jet-fighter that never was!

As I mentioned earlier, I am a drama student. I first gained a love of the theatre when I went to see "Cats" when it was playing in Toronto. Now I have seen the "Phantom" three times, "Ragtime", "Sunset Boulevard", and "Rent"
. I have also seen plays such as "Death of a Salesman" with Judd Hirsch, "Billy Bishop Goes To War" by John Gray, "Criminal Genius" by my favourite playwright, George F. Walker, and most recently, "Mump & Smoot: Something Else with Zug."
Let me explain this performance. It is simply the most hilarious performance I have ever seen! "Mump & Smoot" are two horror clowns played by Michael Kennard (who graduated from my university!)and John Turner. They simply twist every stereotype about clowns into something that most of us probably would never have thought of! And finally if you want to, you can take a look at the rough draft of a one-man play
that I am currently working on. You could also checkout my new play
Anyways, on to my website!!

end homophobia

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Click here to check out the webrings that I belong to

Here are some Pics of Me and My Friends:

This is a recent picture of me at my friend Brad's (The Cat) house
This is my friend Brad in the same jean shirt I was wearing. I think it's just a little too big
This is a photo of me after I played around with it on Paint Shop Pro 5
This is a page dedicated to all my friends
Some of My Favorite Bands Are:

Just click it!
  • Alice in Chains! Jerry Cantrell and Layne Staley rule! Click on the Alice in Chains sun to go to my Alice In Chains site
  • Metallica (they never NEVER dissapoint!)
  • The Wallflowers, a good band.
  • Great Big Sea, who for those who don't already know, are a Celtic folk/rock band from Newfoundland!! They rock!
  • Rajasi. A local band that has gone on to bigger and better things
  • Headspeed. Another local band that has moved on.
  • Eric Clapton. Not a band, but an amazing guitarist!
  • Soundgarden. They broke up damn it!
  • Cat Stevens
  • Sarah Mclachlan
  • Tracy Chapman
  • Moxy Fruvous
  • The Eagles.

    This is me with my friends Sam and Robert, aka "Melvin

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    "...Take your time, think a lot, and think of everything you've got for you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not."-Cat Stevens

    "And if I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night."-Jim Carrey, "The Truman Show"