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STEVEN R. LEVY, Attorney & Mediator

DO YOU REALLY WANT TO FIGHT THIS UPHILL BATTLE ???? DO YOU REALLY WANT TO END UP LIKE THIS POOR GUY ??? FIND A LAWYER. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. TRY MEDIATION. Many people are suspicious of lawyers, even their own, and perhaps with good reason. A good lawyer should only think "how much money can I get for my client from my client's enemy" and never "how much can I get from client." The best way to "test a lawyer" is ask how the lawyer feels about mediation. If the lawyer believes in mediation, you are probably in good hands. If not, run for the proverbial hills...and do so fast. Mediation works. Ninety percent of all disputes that go to mediation end in resolution and 99% of the time, people hold up their end of the bargain. I offer a "SATISFACTION GUARANTEE" with my mediation services. If you or your client are not happy with my effort, write me a letter of fifty words or more within ten days of the mediation telling me the reason, and there is no charge. PERIOD. If I represent you, my first and foremost goal is to get your matter to mediation and end it as economically and expediently as possible. There are honest lawyers out there. One can help YOU.



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