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The Wallpaper Page

Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Other Wallpaper

All wallpapers are in 1024x768 jpg format and I created them using Adobe® Photoshop® 5.0.2 (old, I know, but it's the one I got). They are also created with the Macintosh desktop format in mind (so there may be some empty space on the top so people's heads don't get cut off by the menu bar). Click on the thumnails for the full size image.
Please, of course, take them freely for your personal desktop use, but if you wish to post them on your own pages contact me first and please, please give me credit for my work. Doing otherwise is wrong.
I am currently only hosting my own wallpaper, but if you would like me to host some of yours as well (not too much as I do have limited space), let me know and I'd be happy to do so.

Lord of the Rings Movie Trilogy

Legolas Collage Eowyn Collage
Return of the King Collage (some spoiler images - hence, no thumbnail image).
I got the images for the collage from the Return of the King 2003 limited edition calendar. No, I'm not a special person who actually owns one, but the images are all over the net. I realize that it is bad that I have those images, but they're such high quality and they're *so pretty* (drooling commencing now).

The official site has some great wallpaper as well. "When in doubt, follow your nose [to the fruit loops...]" - Gandalf :-D

Star Wars (Coming Soon)

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers

Sky International Black and White Those Eyes...

JRM as Steerpike in the BBC mini-series production of Mervyn Peake's "Gormenghast"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Collage the First

Keira Knightley

The Blue Room

Any commissions? Point me in the direction of a gallery or let me know what you have in mind and I'd be happy to make something for you. Contact me at:

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