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Bibliography for SWC Paper by ARdeN LyN




The Adoring Audience: Fan Cultural and Popular Media. ed. Lisa A. Lewis. London: Routledge, Chapman, and Hall, Inc., 1992.

arianaeirlys. “Questionnaire” [Personal Email]. 14 April, 2003.

arianaeirlys. “Quiz, extra questions.” [Personal Email] 24 April, 2003.

Bacon-Smith, Camille. Enterprising Women: Television Fandom and the Creation of Popular Myth. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992.

Brooker, Will. “Introduction” and “Star Wars Chicks.” Using the Force: Creativity, Community and Star Wars Fans. Continuum Put Group, 2002. Online: Found 18 April, 2003.

Calthea. “SWC research project.” [Personal Email] 16 April, 2003.

Class Lecture and Discussion, 5/1/03.

“CSB | | Features.” Online: Found 18 April, 2003.

“Episode I: The Phantom Menace.” Dir. George Lucas. 1999. Lucasfilm, Ltd.

“Episode II: Attack of the Clones.” Dir. George Lucas. 2002. Lucasfilm, Ltd.

“Episode II: Attack of the Clones.” Dir. George Lucas. DVD. Lucasfilm, Ltd., 2002. Samuel L. Jackson. DVD Featurette: “Love.” 3:56-4:10. Transcribed 5/5/03.

“Fight for the Cure!” Online: Found 18 April, 2003.

Hills, Matt. “Interview with Henry Jenkins.” Intensities: The Journal of Cult Media. 7 July, 2001: Online: Found 18 April, 2003.

Hoke, Victoria. “The Campaign for a Female Boba Fett.” Online: Found 2 May, 2003.

Hoke, Victoria. “The Essay on behalf of a female boba fett.” Online: Found 2 May, 2003.

Jenkins, Henry. Textual Poachers. New York: Routledge, Chapman, and Hall, Inc., 1992.

Radway, Janice A. Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1991.

Rebadams7. “Re: [SWC] (unknown) your needed followoup [sic] questions – answered.” [Personal Email] 25 April, 2003.

Tulloch, John and Henry Jenkins. Science Fiction Audiences: Watching Doctor Who and Star Trek. London: Routledge, Chapman, and Hall, Inc., 1995.

“Welcome to Sisters of the Force.” Online: Found 30 April, 2003.

“Welcome to StarWarsChicks.” Online: Found 18 April, 2003.

“Yahoo! Groups: StarWarsChicks.” Online: May require password for entry. Found 28 April, 2003.

Questionnaire for Female Star Wars Fans:

1. When did you first come into contact with Star Wars and how?

2. How long have you been a Star Wars fan?

3. Are you/have you ever been a member of the Star Wars Chicks? How long have you been a member?

4. Are you a member or another Star Wars fan group? Is it all female? How long have you been a member?

5. Why is being part of a fan community important to you?

6. Do you write fan fiction (If no: Jump to question 7)

If yes:

6a. What types of fan fiction (slash, original trilogy, prequel, extended universe, adult, crossover, etc.)?

6b. What made you want to write fan fiction?

7. Do you read fan fiction? (If no: Jump to question 8)

If yes:

7a. What types of fan fiction (slash, original trilogy, prequel, extended universe, adult, crossover, etc.)?

7b. What do you enjoy about reading fan fiction?

8. Are you a collector? (If no: Jump to question 9)

If yes:

8a. What do you collect?

8b. How does collecting allow you to interact with other female Star Wars fans?

9a. Do you attend Star Wars conventions? conventions at which Star Wars fans are present? Why or why not?

9b. How is the community feeling different at a convention (or other physical gathering of fans) than online? (Obviously face to face relationships are different – please try to explain how)

10. In what arenas other than those mentioned in this survey do you “meet” (either physically or otherwise) other female star wars fans?

11. Do you discuss other topics beyond Star Wars with other female fans? What kinds of topics?

12. In what way is community built among fans who are geographically distant from one another?

13. Other comments:

Follow-up questions:

1. Have you ever gotten any flak for being a female Star Wars fan? Been looked down upon or ridiculed? Give examples. How did you react? How do you react?

2. Do you feel you have to justify yourself as a female fan? That you anticipate that others may not take you seriously? How?

3. Are you involved in other areas of fandom that disciminate [sic] against female fans or seem to suggest that fans of this particular area should be male?

3b. Are you involved in areas of collecting/ role-playing/ gaming that are seen as "male arenas"? Does it bother you? Do you discuss this with your fellow collectors/ gamers?

4. How can we, as a community or as individual fans, combat the idea that Star Wars is just for boys? Does that idea (that Star Wars is just for boys) bother you? What was/is your response to George Lucas' quoted statement: "This is not Titanic…This is for the boys."?

5. Who are your role models/ favorite characters in the Star Wars universe? Why? Do you find that you prefer the female characters (keep in mind that there are more female characters than Leia and Padmé. Not only the films apply here. Think comics, EU, etc.)? Why or why not? (Respond truthfully)

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