Kewl Books
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kEwL bOoKs

A lot of people out there don't bother to pick up a book because they think books are "boring" or "stupid". I admit, some are, but a lot aren't. The following are some of my faves. Go ahead and read a book. Besides, can you really curl up with a computer?

Girl Goddess #9

by Francesca Lia Block

This book left me breathless, wanting more. More chapters, words, and characters added to the nine beautiful stories in Girl Goddess #9. This book is about the lives of different girls. Each girl is a unique goddess of her own, whatever her age, likes and dislikes, and personality is. Stories so real and lifelike, you start to feel unattached with the princess fairytales you grew up with. I'd have to say "Dragons in Manhatten" was my favorite story, about a girl searching for her father after living with her two mothers for many years. The ending is extremely surprising. Other stories include elves, rock stars, and not wanting to grow up. I love this book, as you can see because I still remember all the details after reading it a year ago!

To order this book online or for more info, click here.

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul

stories collected by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger

Chicken Soup books are popular because they offer inspirational, feel-good stories. Now there is a book just for teenagers, and all I can say is, "It's about time!" Wonderful stories, poems, quotes, and cartoons. Be warned: you go through a lot of emotions while reading this book: joy, tears, anger, strength. But it's never stupid or lectures you. I could not put this book down. I thought the poems were the best. To read a poem from the book, click here. Authors inlude Bill Cosby, Jennie Garth, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and more. Two thumbs up.

To order this book online or for more info, click here.

Of course, there are much more terrific books besides these two. There are no escuses for not reading a book. Think books are stupid? Search around the library or bookstore. There has to be at least a hundred that would interest you. Too lazy? Amazon is a service where you can browse and buy books online. Still doesn't sound good? Hey, who says you can't write your own book?

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~*It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog*~