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Stacky's Home page!!! Reminder: don't forget to read your Bible!!!!!!

Hello my name is Stacey and I would like to tell you a bit about myself! First of all the picture you see is my brother and myself...aren't we cute? lol yeah right! My passions in life are to sing, write songs, I like to play soccer, tackle football, basketball, tennis, badminton, and volleyball! I know that sounds kind of weird coming from a girl but hey thats what you get growing up with an older bro. I am a 18 year old female from California. If you think it never rains in california think again! I have been through tough times in life and it hasn't always been peaches and creame, although I must admit that I know I haven't had it as bad as most but I have been through my fair share of health problems. I am a dedicated christian who loves the Lord with all of her heart! I listen to Christian music most but I am open to other music as well! I will listen to almost any kind of music with the exceptions of satanic, and operatic music; other then that I am just fine and dandy!! I love to laugh and have fun I enjoy just being with other people. I have one brother, and he is the best brother a girl could have!! I know he picks on me sometimes but when push comes to shove he is a great guy and will always be there for his little sister (don't worry I have that one on tape). Hehe! I also giggle and flirt a lot but don't hold that against me it is all harmless! Well I think you are tired of hearing about me right about now. Well you are going to hear one more thing. Yes i have a "Leave it to Beaver" family we all get along and we all love each other I love my parents and I know I can be a pain every once in a while. So ok I will stop talking and let you get on with your lives. You know God loves you no matter what you have done and so do I, just give it all to him ok. If you have any questions I will be more then happy to answer them for you so don't hesitate to ask. Well ta ta! oh yes and before I forget my icq# is 13029473. so I'll talk to you later and I love ya bye =)

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