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Mystery Science Fanfic 3000! IN COLOUR!

Welcome to my abode. This page is dedicated to the destruction of crummy fanfics (which means "fan fiction" to all you uneducated people out there). The idea of making fun of fanfics this way is not new but I still enjoy it. The idea of this is based on the incredibly funny show "MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATRE 3000" on the Sci-fi channel. The way it works is, I take a fanfic, find really stupid things to say about it or adlib into it, and place it in the fanfic (with a --- before it to recognize that it's a comment). The fanfic remains intact but it is a lot funnier now. Now, without further ado. The page.

the fics! links about

Last update April 20th. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time, but I've had so much school work lately that I haven't had time. I probably wont have time until school is done. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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(for information about submitting a MSTified fanfic, read about it in the uh... ABOUT page.)

Also, if you were looking for my EARTHBOUND web page, click here

There have been over fans of bad fanfiction. (Actually, quite a bit more. I check my linkexchange account and it has counted a lot more visitors.)