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    ~Heritage Links~
  • Nommo

  • Links to Past and Future

  • Ebonyfire's Insight Award


    To the Griot ~Storyteller~
    who kept the history and the hope
    and thereby our continuity and strength; Tell On!
    and the Okyeame ~Linguist~ Nommo! Word!
    Philology is the love of literature and linguistics.

    "Africans have shown a remarkable ability to humanize any language we have spoken whether it was Portuguese, English, Spanish, French or Russian. What Nicolas Guillen did to Spanish, what Alexander Pushkin did to Russian, what Langston Hughes did to English, and what Aime Cesaire, the greatest of all poets, did to French, suggest that it is in the soul of our people to seize and redirect language toward liberating ideas and thoughts." from AFROCENTRICITY by Molefi Kete Asante

    "Cultural analysts must learn that the verbal possession, rightfully belonging to every person, will assist us as we move to harmony through rhythms that are the African path to transcendence, the only true meeting of circles and lines, the curvilinear reality of human discourse."
    from THE AFROCENTRIC IDEA by Molefi Kete Asante

    Wangu wa ubani nimemuweka ndani.

    "What does Afrocentricity mean to soul-mate relationships? By leaning on the foundation of our African heritage, we hearken back to tribal loyalties and traditional ways of living that allowed the community to endure. These show us that to hurt someone else is to hurt ourselves. To criticize or to strike our partner is an act of aggression turned against ourselves. Our history also reminds us that nurturing, uplifting, and validating a partner are ways to affirm our own best self. Cooperation and interdependency, not competition and self-centeredness —"we" not "I"—become the order of the day." from FRIENDS, LOVERS & SOULMATES by Derek S. Hopson, Ph.D. & Darlene Powell Hopson, Ph.D.

    and by extension to our lives wherein our partner becomes our sistah/brotha, our neighbor—
    if "we" the black collective are to survive -- for "I" will not survive alone.

    "A celebration of ourselves, our aspirations, achievements, and accomplishments accompany the victorious aspect of a relationship" from AFROCENTRICITY by Molefi Kete Asante

    "She is a friend of my mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind." from BELOVED, a novel by Toni Morrison - a remembrance of the character Sixo's description of what he felt about the Thirty-Mile Woman.

    Soulful Reveries…

    soulful relationships:
  • Men We Cherish;

  • to the storyteller:
  • ClubNubia ~ Words of Color;
  • Black Literary Showcase;
  • AfricanAmerican Book Club;
  • Still We Rise—Angelou;
  • Afrologic Writers;
  • Afrologic Poetry;
  • haraka writers-blacklife;
  • Afronet Writing;

  • What's in a name?
  • AfricanNames; Names from Akan;
  • African Names on the Net;
  • AfricanCrests;
  • AfricanAmerican Genealogy; Origins;

  • Word!
  • Kiswahili; Swahili; Swahili Dictionary;
  • speakJa; Patios Phrases; Patois Dictionary;
  • Body Language;
  • BlackEnglish;

  • soulful realities:
  • Plea for a United Race;
  • En"Dark"ened Realities;
  • AfricanAmerican Studies;
  • Engineering our World
  • the BlackExperience;
  • more on the Color of Things;
  • the facts speak for themselves;
    soulful possibilities:
  • KuMi Magazine-Black Youth Online;
  • Investment in future of a united race;

  • soulful rhythms:
  • LA's Black Radio Station ~ Classic Soul and in The Know Raggae; Gospel to Motown; more gospel…;
  • SoulPhilology WebRings!; Spiritual WebRings!; Mandisa's Rings!

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    Professional Writing & Communications
    a Norman Enterprise
    Copyright 1997 - 2000 all rights reserved
    Last Update: 2/20/2000 14:20 PST

    S. Renee Norman,