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some stuff about myself

ok well some stuff about myself....well hmm...

Name: Jeannie

Age: 21

Birthday: June 11, 1981

Gender: Female

Location: California

Race: I'm mixed up...but other then that I look full Irish

What I look like: I have shoulder length hair right now. I have blue eyes and Brown hair...though my Brown hair has been known to change to a neon Blue at times *laugh*

What I like doing: I like Chating in Furcadia, when I can and roleplaying with friends and makeing characters

Stuff I like: hmm....I like alot of stuff like anime and RPing....and singing...also I love drawing if you couldn't tell about my site

Fave Anime: Inuyasha and Tenchi Muyo

Fave Animal: my fave everyone would probaly think is cats...since almost all my characters are cats but my fave animal is a Wolf, Hedgehog, and Fox

things I don't like: Lame offs...people messing with my friends...people who say bad things about other people...and well thats it..I think....oh yeah one last thing I dun like PERVES!! heh get to meny on my ICQ as of lately.

well if you have any more questions about my RL self E-mail me with it and I'll put it up
