skateing punks who skank to hardcore

HEY HEY HEY, this page is kinda sorry compared to others but if you can spare the time out of your busy life(doing nothing) drop me a line at I made this page so that maybe a couple people will visit it and learn a little about ska or skateing or what ever and mail me some or your fav sites!! I like skateing ska, hardcore, punk, alternative, techno, and eating and sleeping!! i know this page sucks but with your help you can be one of jerrys kids too!!!! wooo hoooo. I am not one for writeing to much so mail me.

thoes things

put that rudy in his place
some dude just busted some dope sause on his board: trandslation he did a cool tirck on his board
dont go here unless you got money to spend!!
bowling to pass the time
less then jake(ska)
the thing on the board
its funny if you put your mouse on it and click(you will see when you get there
well i guess this is growing up
demo from the def tones

the joy of life
