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Branches and Twigs, A Family History

Hello, Im Sir Gar, Welcome to my homepage. Im in the process of moving in. Here are the surnames I am researching. If you have any questions Please Email me at the address at the bottom of the page. THANKS FOR VISITING

All surnames in CAPITALS are my direct line. I have info on Direct Lines and Indirect lines

ALLEN, ALMY, Archer, Benton, BIRDSALL, Bliss, Blue, Bock, Bolshazy, Bolt, BOYETT, Calkins, Carter, CASTELL, Castillo, Chase, Childree, Churchill, CLARK/CLARKE, COOK/COOKE, Corbett, Cordova, Cox, Cravey, CRIDLAND/COLLES, CROCKER, CRONK, Cooks/Crooks, Daniels, De DONCASTER, Diamond, Dickens, DICKERMAN, Dietz, Doane, Doolittle, Earl, Edgerton, Emerson, Faust, Fish, FITZGERALD, Flores, Ford, Fuller, Gallande/Gallant, GARCIA, GARZEL/GARZEE, Gladner, Godwin, Goldsby, GOMEZ/GOMES, GOODERE, Grinnell, GURULE, GUTIERREZ, Hall, Hammond, HART, HARVEL, HAWKINS, Heily, Helton, Hendricks, Hinojosa, HINTON, Hodgeson, Holder, Hough, Howell, Howland, HOWSE/HOUSE, Hull, Huntington, Ingalls, IVES, JINZO/GINSO, Johnson, KIRBY, Lahey, Larned, LATHOP/LOWTHROPP, Lawton, Leadbetter, Ledyard, Lewis, LINES, Linnell, LLOYD, LUCERO, Magrass, MARSHALL, MCNAIR, Mead, MERRIMAN, Miller, Mohr, Morgan, MOSES, Moss, Mott, NICHOLLS, Noble, Norton, Oberhelman, PADILLA, PAINE, PARKER, PERKINS, Pettis, Player/Plyer, Plumb, Pomeray, POTTER, Pratt, Quintana, Reed, REIGNOLDS, Rice, Ricketson, RINGE, Rogers, ROYCE, Russell, Rust, Sandfort, SCUDDER, Sherman, SIMS/SYMES, SISSON, SLOCOMBE/SLOCUM, SMITH, Spears, Spinning, Spraque, SPRING, Stanton, STOUGHTON, Strange, Taunton/Tanton, Thompson, Thurston, TRIPP, Tucker, UNTHANK, Viall, Villar, WADE, WALE, WARREN, Waterhouse, Weeden, White, WHITTINGTON, WILLIAMS, WILLIAMSON, WOOD, Woodward, Wordell, Zierk

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