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Welcome to Jimbo's Page

Hi, Im Jim. I live in Sunny Southern California. I am a proud member of Southern California's finest! Can you guess which department? Just look at my links. Duh... ... I have been a cop since 1987 and am currently a Detective assigned to SWAT. I am also assigned to a "Crime Impact" team. The Crime Impact team is highly trained and responsible for SWAT entry, Hostage Rescue, Dignitary Protection, hunting down fugitives & violent felons, "Creep Sweeps", Parole and Probation sweeps, Covert Operations, and basically helping the hard working deputies at our many patrol stations "Impact Crime". We keep pretty busy. I have had a blast working for this department. Throughout the years I've worked jails, patrol, traffic, bike patrol, gangs, narcotics, and have been in SWAT since 1994. I have seen and done just about everything, trust me, but I have to admit that so far SWAT is my favorite. I have received extensive training from the FBI, DEA, NAVY SEALS, U.S. ARMY, U.S. MARINES, H&K, L.A.P.D., L.A.S.O., U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (DOJ), and of course S.B.S.D. along with many more that I cant remember right now. I have AS degrees in both Computer Science and Administration of Justice and an Undergraduate Degree from Southern Illinois University where I majored in Workforce Education and development. I hope to land a 2nd supplemental career developing training, or in Human Resources. I wont quit my day job anytime soon though, I love it too much! I enjoy working in Law Enforcement, helping people, and especially the hard work, training, team work, discipline, dedication, friendships, and excitement associated with being on a SWAT team. With regard to my training interests I enjoy developing training programs, occupational analysis, problem solving through training, adult education, police and tactical training, and anything else that can make me some $$$$. (Im Kidding, money isnt everything, right???) I enjoy all extreme sports, Golf, Weight lifting, and spending time with friends and family. Well, leave me an e-mail below and let me know whats up. I enjoy talking about just about anything with just about anybody. Lets trade stories! LATER! (and remember this page is always under construction and is updated frequently so check back every once in a while)

Some Cool links

The Official Home page of the Professional Golfers Association
Find anybody or anything on the WEB
Brigade Quartermaster Action Gear Catalog
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Dept. Home page
