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Note: The backgrounds and many of the graphics found in the COTB Matrix - Gundam Wing Corner are the work of A.Lomelli. Please do not remove without permission.

Welcome to our little GW den, Link-Traveler!

Just Communication

Have beaten their heads against this webpage
cursing the Webmaster and Webmistress for not updating more often
Many thanks to WebCounter for being a free counter service that is actually in existance. Kudos for providing to the cheapos, dudes!

Last Update Done:
December 18th, 2004
[Gundam W update / Fanfiction added]

New Gundam fics as of December 18th, 2004:
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness [chapters 18-20] (W-sama)

New Gundam pics as of June 22nd, 2002
Can I Keep Him? [fanart for 'For the Love of Cats' by Ava] (Maria Rocket)
Duo the Dog [fanart for 'For the Love of Cats' by Ava] (Maria Rocket)
Gundam W Background Colomn (Andy-sama)
Gundam W Entry Pic 2 [black and white and colorized versions] (Andy-sama)
Heero and Duo - GW Background Close-up (Andy-sama)
Kitty Quat [fanart for 'For the Love of Cats' by Ava] (Maria Rocket)
Lost on L4 [fanart for 'Prison of Glass' by Ava, full-size and screen-friendly size] (Andy-sama)
Trowa and his Kitty Quat [fanart for 'For the Love of Cats' by Ava] (Maria Rocket
Trowa and Quatre - GW Background Close-up (Andy-sama)
Wufei - GW Background Close-up (Andy-sama)

COTB Matrix created and maintained by:

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iMac G4 800 (Mac OS 10.2)
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PowerBook 190cs (Mac OS 7.1)
Canoscan LiDE 30
Canoscan N656U
OneScanner Black & White
GraphicConvertor 4.0.2
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