Senflower Anatolians - "2014 SARINA & HAWK Puppy Journal"

Please copy, then cut and paste the below Puppy Application Form into your email. Then answer each of the questions completely and email to us at We will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible.



Hm Ph:
Husband’s Cell:
Wife’s Cell:

Husband’s Email:
Wife’s Email:

What sex would you prefer: Male/Female?

Will be used for:
[__]Livestock Guardian/Family Companion (spay/neuter contract)
[__]Family Companion (spay/neuter contract)
[__]Livestock Guardian/Family Companion (Breeding/Show)
[__]Family Companion (Breeding/Show)

If "OTHER", please specify:

1. You have expressed an interest in acquiring an Anatolian Shepherd Dog. Please tell me why you think this is the right dog for you:

2. Have you owned or do you now own an Anatolian Shepherd Dog? Have you ever had any large working breed of dog?

3. How do you plan to contain this dog when you are at home; when you are away from home? Do you have secure fencing with a gate that locks? How much total acreage is securely fenced?

4. If this will be a family companion, where will it reside the majority of the time?

5. If used for working, what animals will this dog be living with? Is there safe and proper weatherproof outdoor cover for the dog during hot/cold/inclement weather? How much land will the dog be protecting?

6. Do you have children? How many? Ages? Do they know the proper way to act around large dogs? How would you react if your children/child hurt the dog, causing the dog to retaliate?

7. If a companion, how will you integrate this dog into your life? Are you willing to take the dog to obedience classes and do extensive socialization for the lifetime of the dog? Can you describe how a typical day will be in your dog's life?

8. Whether or not this dog is to be used for breeding, do you agree to have OFA testing done on hips, elbows & thyroid between 24 & 36 months of age? If "no", please explain why.

9. Do you agree to register your pup with AKC before its six month birthday?

10. Since Anatolian puppies have specific feeding requirements, are you willing to feed foods recommended by the breeder for your Anatolian (see "Feeding Your Puppy")?

11. What are your plans for vaccinations and health maintenance for your new dog? Is your vet aware of the recommended protocol for Anatolians?

12. Are you willing to stay in touch on a regular basis, sharing photos and keeping us updated on how your dog is doing?

13. How will your neighbors feel about such a large dog coming into the neighborhood? Are there restrictions in your homeowners contract about dogs? What are they?

14. What amount of time will you have on a daily basis (specifically) to spend with a new pup? How much time (specifically) will the pup be alone each day?

15. If, for any reason other than the dog's health, you could not keep the dog ... would you be willing to return it to the breeder at your expense? If "NO", please explain why.

16. Please provide, as references, the names of AT LEAST two people who know you well; one of them should be your family veterinarian. Please include NAME, PHONE and EMAIL ADDRESS -- YOUR REFERENCES WILL BE CHECKED.
