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Polly Window Sitter

To commemorate 5000 visits to Samurai Saving Time, Issarlk has donated a new Polly "window sitter" program, a neat little toy for your computer! Thank you to everyone who has supported us, and please continue to support the Pizza Cats and help get them back on TV!

"Polly Window Sitter" is a small toy program that display Polly sitting on the active window (hence the name). Polly also plays her flute every so often.
It's a "SupportWare" ; which means that people liking it are encouraged to visit one of the pages dedicated to bringing SPC back on TV. Feel free to distribute the file to your friends, as long as you don't modify it.

This program runs on Windows 95 or better. After unzipping you just need to click on the executable to run it. It has been tested with two different anti-virus softwares and so is thought to be virus-free.


size = 182443 bytes.

Some links :

Issarlk's page
The programer's page and home of the Polly Window Sitter.

Ian Burry

created the graphics.

Hero boy's Pizza Cats Web Page
Hero Boy provided the music midi file that Polly plays. There are several others on his page.

Otaku World
Otaku World has section about desktop toys. You'll find several other window sitters there, as well as other toys.

Samurai Pizza Cats © 1990 Tatsunoko, © 1991 Saban.
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