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In the Spirit and Context of  "A Course In Miracles " -referred to as Wisdom

Dear One,

Relationships constitute the mutual need to experience joinedness. Not necessarily physically, but being as One in the truth and movement of Spirit -which is of Heart. Since most limit their awareness of Self to the physical body, this joining is then limited to certain expressions. And that wouldn't be so bad in itself if it weren't for the laws of chaos getting in there all the time with their on going nature of conflict. But since physical joining isn't what it's ultimately about, there must be a better way. And that's the realization that Wisdom's teaching of " Holy Relationship " is all that's really left -unless you enjoy banging your head against a wall, again and again.

Be it marriage, children, serious or casual friendships and acquaintances, they all offer endless opportunities to make " Holy Communion " through the miracle of Forgiveness -and free not only yourself, but the other as well, from the chaos of specialness.

Wisdom teaches that all those things you dislike about others are your own tendencies, suppressed or not so suppressed, projected on to the other. Then again, all those things you like about them are yours too, projected also. But good as they may seem, they are just the opposite force of that negative stuff, each giving reality to the other. That means there can't be a happy without a sad, and an up without a down. Duality is just that; opposites in a perpetual dance or motion of exchange or conflict -which is its " harmony ".

To make a relationship a " Holy Communion " is to neutralize the dualistic framework of your own perceptual mind-set. Accepting that all other people are just a maze of mirrors of your own tendencies, is a means of recognizing the content of your own mind -that which needs healing. And by forgiving these judgments and opinions about others, you open your Self to express Heartedness instead. And it is this Singular expression of Heart -that has no opposite- that heals a relationship and brings on the " Experience of Communion." As your Heart intensifies through on going use, your world will miraculously shift into the experience of Peace, Joy and Light. Even if nothing around you seems to change, your mind-set will have, and therefore your experience of reality also.

As you release others from the blame and shame and fear you harbor within yourself for similar actions or inaction's, you also simultaneously release the whole of the brother and sisterhood. Because, even if you didn't know it, every time you condemn one individual, you condemn us all -for there is only One of us. Remember, all it takes is listening to your conscience about the validity of your assertions of rightness -which means allowing Wisdom to be present in your mind to act on. Thus, saving the world from your " conditioned " condemnations, by making space for the Love that IS present to be Expressed as Who You Really Are. And in so doing, the Awakening to the Truth of Self Realization is not only natural but inevitable.

Wisdom will not force Its way into your awareness. The still small Voice of conscience is as un-insistent as it is lovingly persistent. It is your voluntary act of listening to That Which Knows Best that brings peace to your relationships. All you need to do is accept correction were it needs to be recognized; in your mind, in the present moment.

Blessed Be the Giver of Forgiveness,
For She and He Shall Be Forgiven.


The pain you feel regarding anyone comes
from the misconception that you cannot
love them the way they are.

-Nogah Lord