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In the Spirit and Context of  "A Course In Miracles " -referred to as Wisdom

Dear One,

Wisdom suggests that I offer you all the confidence I've ever experienced in this matter. For, as it is, you need not linger on the downward spiral for long. Lingering is only a resistance.  As you have already experienced about moments like these is that; you eventually come to the healing anyway -always, eventually. And because this is so, you can focus on the healing at the height of these moments and truly shorten the spinout you're having on the highway to heaven.

It's not in 'examining' the old reactions and past pains that heals things. This isthe resistance -your ego. To recognize that these old energies have surfaced -come into your present moment again- is a time when you have power over them. The power to choose the Holy Spirit's healing. 

Again; the 'analysis' of it all isan ego resistance well disguised in 'good intentions'. When in effect the conclusion you will ultimately come to is to let go and let God; to finally offer your past whatever to the majesty of the Holy Spirit's miraculous judgment of truth, which is; NOT GUILTY ...just innocent eternal beings waking to the experience of Self Realization and the One of us. The CHRIST. The One Son. That's US.... All of Us.

Use Wisdom's knowledge. Don't dissect it. Focusing on the true outcome -the healedness, shortens the process in direct relation to the degree of sincere focus placed there. Wisdom suggests that s/he who knows better at any given moment is capable of holding on to the clarity of truth in those 'lower' repetitive moments and therefore allowing the miracle to happen instead for all concerned.

Just do this instead: Ask yourself "WHAT IS THIS FOR" and stay with, in thought and feeling, the end resultof the process -the Healedpart. Stand firm in your light and hold out your heart's lantern so that all eventually may see the Light of healedness.Focus on that end result and so be it dear one. Go ahead, empower the Healedness only. Who should mind that the fear doesn't stick around very long ? This is to truly love all and serve all. Be a Miracle Worker!

From my experiences I offered you the above to remind you of what you already know about how it works. Remember; a miracle worker collapses time by doing it. Healed be! Dear one. Cause healedis your truth. So eventually, so now. Why wait in fear when joy stands next to you?

The only right intention
Is to give complete attention
To the heart's reflection.

Thanks for asking dear one.


When you thank God inadvance  for that which you
choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect,
acknowledge that it is there. . .in effect.
Thankfulness is thus the most powerful
statement to God; an affirmation
that even before you ask, I have
answered. Therefore, never
supplicate. Appreciate.

-Conversations with God, an uncommon dialogue. Book 1