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In the Spirit and Context of  "A Course In Miracles " -referred to as Wisdom

Dear One,

Regardless of the spiritual path, all teachings bring about the idea that the world you see is but a reflection of your own mind; your predisposition to see a certain way caused by the particular conditioning you experienced during childhood and on. So what does this say about you ? Well, only that your awareness is preoccupied with patterns of repetition that probably don't serve your highest good in the here and now of your present life experience.

Knowing this can help a lot when you are burdened by the past emotional baggage and mental confusions you repetitively buy in to. Since it is just your choice to be repetitive -even if you didn't know you were making it- now you can change it by changing your mind about it. Being consciously aware of making perceptual choices is Self empowering. Therefore, a very viable practice is to see your view of the world as being of your own making -not blaming the past for it, but working through it with Wisdom.

When you deny the " cause of perception," you deny the power by which it can be corrected. Since the source of these perceptions is your own mind, then this be the only place you need to correct them. Nothing outside of yourself can be blamed. By accepting responsibility for the projections of your mind you retain the power of decision -the manifesting Force.

Accepting this responsibility truly takes the pressure off. Because " pressure and anxiety " are created by not having any control over a situation. And just being repetitive is being out of control. So how can you take responsibility in such a way that is effective? By using the laws of cause and effect to your advantage. Just adding the right kind of questioning thought to all of your perceptions of others brings correction to the level of cause; your mind. Thus, changing effect; the world you see.

These simple types of thoughts become self healing because they alter intent of perception, therefore readjusting projection accordingly. Here's what I use:

- Can I, in all good conscience, condemn others for things I have done myself ?

- Is not my view of this just based on past experiences, which are no longer valid in the here and now ?

- Is not the guilt I attribute to them just my own from the past ?

When using thoughts such as these in a sincere manner, you awaken the opportunity to deny false projections within yourself and change effect because you re-cognized cause.  It works relative to the degree of sincerity you put into it. Being persistent about it makes it ever consistent.

Remember, you are your conscience; that "still small Voice" within. And It always has your highest good in mind for you to choose. So, live in the knowingness of your conscience and be free of the delusions that repetitive, reactive, defensive perceptions foster. Why waste time repeating yourself, take responsibility, choose again and let the Love shine through.

Dare to own it. Dare to go the distance within.
The luck comes from listening to your conscience.
Just.. Do it.


If I have ever made any valuable discoveries,
it has been owing more to patient attention,
than to any other talent.

-Isaac Newton