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Dear rev@angelfire,

I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for your website. You are really insightful and communicative. I sometimes find myself having some sort of turbulence in my mind. In other words, a lack of complete peace.

I would like to know if you had some sort of affirmation to say to one's self that instantly can remind me that I deserve to be completely peaceful. Maybe like a one-liner. What would u suggest?

I have been working on this for some time now, and I have concluded that I unconditionally deserve to be happy. However I guess I just need to hear it from someone else, and now that I've been reading your articles..I thought I would ask you. Is there an affirmation that you know that can affirm me unconditionally being at peace with myself?

Again, I think your site is great and I appreciate you sharing such divine knowledge.

best regards,

You are welcome dear one.

And thank you for expressing it. We all need to express it more... in our daily things.

Gratitude takes the mundaneness out of it all. It exposes the Divineness of everything. There's miraculousness in gratitude.

I guess I'd say that that's my affirmation. Gratitude in every moment for whatever, and just nothing... without reason is the sincerest form. And the return, or effects of your conscious choice are divine... Peace if it be peace you seeked. Joy if it be joy you longed for.

Gratitude has its levels, so to speak. In truth this is not so, but we tend to experience a peeling away of the distortions, making the experience of gratitude ever more consistent, therefore longer, such being the feeling of higherness or another level, so it seems. But the truth is that It is always present just awaiting your change of choice of witness.

Thank you for your kind and generous words. And remember that gratitude is always due that one on one relationship you have with the Jesus or Krishna or Whatever in you, above and beyond just acknowledging the outer manifestations in your daily perceptions. Inwardness is the fast track to Revelation.

Gratefully let others be in the light of your insight and ye shall know what it means to be the One Son. God Is One. Then peace and joy be thy Will and no longer a wish.

Silently blessing, with gratitude at heart, is in effect seeing the Christ or Divineness in the other. Communing in our Oneness... That I Am.

My inner 'OneLiner' goes something like this: "Thank you, thank you, thank you." But you can make up your own.

Thank you dear one for this opportunity to share these thoughts.

With love,

When you thank God inadvance  for that which you
choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect,
acknowledge that it is there. . .in effect.
Thankfulness is thus the most powerful
statement to God; an affirmation
that even before you ask, I have
answered. Therefore, never
supplicate. Appreciate.

-Conversations with God,
 an uncommon dialogue.
Book 1