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Fret Not Thyself

Feast Your Eyes on this Diet

-compilation, rev@angelfire

This 72 course feast has been carefully prepared to retrain your
mind and heart in purposeful intent. Ideas get stronger the more
you use and share them. Willingness to apply the ideas
guarantees your success.

1) Even though I am always trying to find and define it, happiness still seems elusive and yet it is always within reach. When I ask myself if I am really happy I can answer with certainty; yes or no. Any answer other than a spontaneous joyous yes is a no.

2) This is a course in happiness. In feeling and thinking, speaking and acting from happiness. And only from happiness.

3) Feeling happy is the only definition of happiness I have ever found. Happiness, not things, is the true goal. So if I feel happy thinking something that is enough reason to think it.

4) Being happy is my only real nature. Feeling anything but happy is only conditioning in which I've learned how to forget to be happy. This denial of my nature is the source of all pain. Remembering my real nature again and again heals all my pain.

5) I am free. Even to think that I am not. And free to think that I can't even when I know I can. Only pessimistic ideas cover up my real nature. But I am free to think the opposite instead and free to enjoy again the sharing of my real nature.

6) To be happy now I have only to remember and feel what I am happiest thinking. Energy flows from where attention goes.

7) The freedom of happiness is in having it. Happiness is easy to have because being happy is my only real nature.

8) I prefer being happy to understanding why I've been unhappy. But the happier I am the better I do understand why. And the less important that is.

9) I prefer being happy to learning. But the happier I am the more I want to learn. And the better I learn too.

10) The happier I am the more I get what I want. And the happier I am the less and less I think I need anything else but my happiness. When I am happy above all else the rest is added unto me.

11) Without happiness time wastes. My happiness makes victory over an otherwise suffered life.

12) Happiness is the source of health. The happier I am the healthier I am. This indeed I know well.

13) It is not easy to have cancer. I would have to forget that I'm happy for a very long time. When I'm ill the most important thing for getting better is my being happy with it. Only happiness does heal a sick mind and therefore ill body.

14) The more I'm happy with my body the way it is now the easier and faster it regulates itself into perfect health. Because the happier I am the better I care for my body in a natural way.

15) I take advantage of private time to give myself natural love by physically hugging myself for a few seconds while remembering the feeling of a child's unconditional loving embrace.

16) Only happy awareness interests me. My awareness has no value unless it is happily thinking and blessing all things for my and everyone else's abundance.

17) Happiness is in the eye of the beholder and it beautifies everything. I always see something happy in and about everything. Happiness releases me from the pain of judgment. I see their innocence as my own. I am free to be divinely generous.

18) Being happy with others is to free them from the expectations I placed on them. And especially from the expectations they place on themselves and others.

19) As a happy person I am a source of wisdom and a source of blessings. I only help another person by seeing more beauty in them than they do themselves.

20) Happiness always directs life change for the benefit of all. The more I follow my happiness gratefully the more my life experience shifts into the joyous new adventures of spontaneous living.

21) Everyone gains the more my happiness is around. Happy people are always appreciated. Happiness always pulls me into right relationships.

22) Happiness is the most important thing for me, for everyone and everything else. I can love more those I love least in the interest of those I love most.

23) Loving others is being happy with and kind toward them for no specific reason. Loving myself is being happy with and kind toward myself as I am now.

24) I love only when and as much as I feel happy. Knowing I forgot to be happy is really remembering to be happy.

25) Happiness is the secret to everything I can desire and for everything else too. Happiness is the key to all achievement.

26) Happiness for all people like me means a change from political control over us to a solution oriented public service for us.

27) I believe the world is inherently good and I love it. I believe that problems contain their solutions. There are answers. Happy motivation gets immediate results.

28) I am responsible for the world I see. What seemed impossible yesterday is possible today and will be achieved tomorrow. And I happily laugh in cheerful certainty.

29) Being happy first reminds my family of their happiness. Being happy first reminds my friends of their happiness. Being happy first reminds my enemies of their happiness.

30) My happiness embraces all relationships without reasons or for all reasons. Happiness is not an attitude. And I recognize another's attitude as a call to my happiness. Happiness always wins.

31) I am responsible for my own happiness. The world is as I choose to feel it is. When I center myself in happiness my world transforms right before my eyes.

32) Miracles have, do and will happen when I recognize the need of another as my own. Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love and happiness.

33) Happiness is found within and then it shines out distinctly. Happiness is freeing. It is not really for or against anything. Except for everyone else's happiness of course.

34) My constant happiness attracts acts of random kindness to me. Every time I dare to see the world as beautiful I receive a gift from it.

35) The happier I am the more I do what I like. And the more in harmony that is with everyone else doing what they like.

36) My law of happiness is that there is no order of difficulty to feeling and inspiring happiness in any situation. So be it.

37) When I am happy my thoughts are pleasant and I am at peace with all things. Thoughts do come true. I know it happens. I do create my own experiences.

38) I make no excuses for believing what I'm happiest believing. The only true advice I can share for someone else's problems is the happiness I'm having in solving my own. I use only what works.

39) The need to argue my case lessens in proportion to the beauty in my thoughts. The only point of a word is for me to be happy saying it and hearing it. Words have no importance other than the joy I feel in saying and hearing them. My ideal vocabulary is made up of all the words I am happiest saying.

40) Being aware of how I say things is as important as the words I choose to use. Without happiness words hurt deeply.

41) If someone else is hurt by what I said that means I forgot to be happy when I was saying it. When I'm happy I always know what not to say and what's good to say. I am evolving in quantum leaps.

42) Repetitive obedience to grief and anxiety thinking is a sad death indeed. Progress is rooted in the happy relinquishment of social negativity and gossip. Society is evolving in leaps and bounds and I am part of the solution.

43) Speaking out of happiness is what really energizes me. Feeling another's happiness energizes me even more. It's great to be happy. There's nothing like it.

44) The only mistake I can make is to forget that I'm happy. Any reason I have for being unhappy is just a mistake thought. But mistaken thoughts have just as much impact at any moment as does happiness. So when I make mistakes I become mindful of them and then choose again for the influence of happiness.

45) I feel the effect of my repetitive thinking patterns whether I am aware of it or not. Patterns are conditioned memories of the past that still react in me. Realization of conditioning is freeing because I can break up the past pattern in the present moment and create positive change. This is truly being reborn.

46) The happier I am the more my guilt and old patterns dissolve into the nothingness from which they came. Disregarded memory patterns loose their grip quickly. Happiness is my reward.

47) There is nothing my happiness cannot do. I am thankful being happy regardless of the situation. Happiness is the way I walk in gratitude.

48) Happiness gives me tolerance and patience. Happiness makes me a reasonable person. Being reasonable helps all my relationships and my own health. My head now happily obeys my love.

49) I will not be punished for my anger. I am punished by my anger.

50) I reap what I sow. I receive what I give. To have, I give happiness to all. The joy of happiness is in giving it. What I give I strengthen in myself.

51) Living is just a succession of repetitions. The aim of life is not struggle but being happy. My only plan or ambition is being happy. My happiness gives life its quality, fullness and allows for my true creative expression.

52) Just because I've made a decision it doesn't mean I have to go through with it. I only have to go through with it if I'm happy to go through with it.

53) I know when I'm happy or not so I can never really fool myself. What I feel is the evidence of what I think.

54) I prefer being happy to keeping my promises, but the happier I am the fewer promises I make and the happier I am to keep them.

55) To see the bright side means to forget all my reasons for being anything but happy. Happiness for the sake of itself.

56) Every person has happy qualities. Sometimes they are very well hidden but always worth finding.

57) When I'm happy I'm never guilty. I'm never guilty without thinking I am. Feeling guilty is a signal that I have forgotten to think happily. I'm glad for the guilt for it is my reminder in the moment that returns happiness to my awareness.

58) My heartfulness asserts that not by analyzing but only by disregarding the ideas of my unhappiness can I be happy again. To forget is truly the Grace of forgiveness.

59) Happiness makes sensitivity a strength. The more I accept responsibility for what I feel, the more I recognize strength in myself and the more I allow myself to be strong in it. Sensitivity is a virtue among others that I contemplate daily during my repetitive activities.

60) Children are right because they are Innocence. Learning to be right is being guided without guilt. "That's good but this is how it's done," works to enhance a child's self-esteem when learning skills.

61) Even if things don't go right I always use reassuring concepts. "Do only this please," works to direct a child's attention back to happily learning or remembering their manners and skills.

62) The only real desire of children is that their parents be happy. Being happy first is the valuable lesson in communication I learn from children.

63) My happiness and life are One. Happiness is the strength in which I trust.

64) Happiness is a birthright. Based on my own observations of healthy infants happiness is the Essence of being. I am that Essence. It is my real nature.

65) The original sin is only forgetting happiness. When I forget it's like hell. But Heaven on earth does prevail in happiness.

66) To live happily I need to be happy. To be happy I need to feel happy. To feel happy I think of and act from happiness.

67) Whether I recognize it or not, God's Will for me is to be my own cause and effect. God's Love for me is happiness. As I think of others so shall it be for me. Effects of thoughts reside at their source.

68) Being of happy service is my only career. Having a happy disposition is my wage. Ever renewing happiness is my success and achievement. I always make decisions for win-win results all round.

69) Sharing happiness is a heart-center feeling that expands from me to include all others I give my attention to in life's ongoing repeat performances.

70) Happiness is like a hurricane of fresh air for everyone. I am happy despite all things, even myself. Happiness helps in all situations regardless of the drama.

71) I risk nothing and gain everything in happiness. I dare to be happy in situations where I haven't dared to be happy before.

72) The best evidence of happiness that I can give is being happy myself. The key to my happiness is the consistent habit of mindful heartedness in all situations. I strive to make happy for the sake of all.

...Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...**


*Psalm 37:1(KJV) - **Rom.12:2(KJV)

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