Inward Reflection
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In the Spirit and Context of  "A Course In Miracles " -referred to as Wisdom

Dear One,

I'd like to offer a thought that developed for me as I began to study the Wisdom of "A Course In Miracles." Even though Eastern teachings do not directly instruct as such, I can clearly see that they do imply and intend the same. That's probably due to the fact that the popular mind set of days gone by was quite different than that of today's intellectual or logically oriented mass mind set. So here's what happened for me:

When being given the opportunity to respond or react (repetition) to anything, i.e.; opinion in discussion, my feelings about the weather, suddenly being cut off in traffic, etc., (you get the idea), I asked myself in that moment of perceptual mind; if being right about anything is worth denying Wisdom and the experience of Truth (Divine Light - Atmic Awareness - Self Realization). After a few days of actively using just this thought I found that my need for attention and to interact out of boredom dropped dramatically, and was replaced with a sense of satisfaction that seemed to have no basis in the perceived moment. Not only that, but new perceptions were becoming available. Being able to read the situations at hand was becoming common place. As was seeing through the falsity underlying them. I mainly credited Jesus' Voice for this type of insight. But He would throw it back at me and say " but we are One... The Same." This new sensation of satisfaction was not like the usual satisfaction I struggled to win in the arena of intellectual competition (my life as I defined it). It was an inner warmth that was all pervading and gentle. And totally satisfying in a long term sense, unlike the short " hit or rush " that intellectual rightness brought about. Which dissipated as quickly as it came, forcing me to seek habitually for another opportunity to exert " my rightness ," hopefully winning another rush or hit of temporary satisfaction.

This simple self questioning thought brought about enough new contenting experience that I embraced all the ideas this "A Course In Miracles (ACIM)" had to offer quite fervently, no matter how absurd many seemed to be then. Once I started the " Workbook for Students " the mystical prevailed, and the rest was just a matter of time. And not as much as one might think would be necessary. Jesus continually re-oriented me to the knowing that we were/are One. The same Being just different levels of perceptual experience or awareness.

Since then, I have compared the Eastern teachings and Experiences gained thereby to those that were Induced by ACIM and have found complete compatibility in their results. All Is One, Divine Light and Atmic Awareness, regardless of the means to this Awakening.

By no means am I trying to sell you on a new path, but since all of us are of this time period's mind set you may find that a teaching specifically formulated to today's mind set could greatly augment the traditional disciplines from days gone by. And yet these traditional disciplines could also augment such a modern teaching as ACIM for those so inclined. Strange "bed-fellows", not at all.

Random Blessings Throughout Your Day,
Attracts Acts of Specific Kindness Your Way...


Before enlightenment;
chop wood and carry water.

After enlightenment;
chopping wood and carrying water.

-Zen maxim.