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From Both Ends

Better  Elimination  Makes  For
Better  Detoxification


Upon returning to Western Civilization, after spending years in Asia, I found, among other things, something very important about our  modern method of toileting -specifically about how to have a real bowel movement.

Having had to adjust to the squat-type hole-in-the-floor facilities found in the rural areas of the East I noticed that in a short time I was having much better bowel movements occurring from this strange new position, and after my return to North America I found that elimination was actually getting quite impaired, again, by the modern Western-seated position I was raised with.

To enjoy the natural cleansing feeling of full movements that I became accustom to I squatted on top of our modern conveniences for quite some time, only to slip one day, and as a result, find a better way.

I examined just how much squat was needed to facilitate a proper bowel movement. I found that there is a physiological response mechanism built into the squat position that, inconjunction with deep abdomenal-style breathing, triggers proper intestinal contractions that induces a fuller and therefore healthier elimination quite effortlessly.

I found that a small foot stool, between 7 - 12 inches high, created enough knee lift when using our modern throne style toilets to still trigger the physiological response that induces a better movement. Along with the abdominal breathing, I found that having a bowel movement with the foot stool raising my knees was not much different than doing the full squat position. 

These stools (no pun intended) can be inexpensively acquired at the kitchen-supply or hardware department of your favorite store. I just keep mine beside the toilet and swing it under my feet whenever nature calls, thus eliminating the need to perform acrobatics atop an unstable and somewhat slippery platform.

Think about it; better elimination makes for better detoxification. I know I'm healthier for it. Go ahead and try it for awhile. Everyone I have shared this with has reported back very positively ! In fact, along with the abdominal breathing, this new quasi-squat position seems to even correct for the poor toilet training method of hold your breath and push that many received in their youth.

Trust me.



I'll try to be as detailed about the procedure as possible, but bear in mind it's a lot easier than it will read here... and the secret to it all is
the sense of Gratitude I hold in my mind while preparing it all. Pick your favorite chant and go for it. It's virtually recycling your Higher Energies.

The amounts listed below are for the batch size I'm use to making. I get about 8 to 10 wide-mouth mason jars, (8oz. size, also called Salmon Jars), but I only fill them with 6oz's to leave some room for expansion when freezing. You may want to use a larger size WIDE-MOUTH for more servings from a single jar.

My yield: 1 salmon-jar (6oz of concentrated soup) makes 2 servings when mixed with 6oz. of water and 6 oz. of VitaSoy Enriched Original soy-milk.  You could stretch it by using more water and/or soy-milk to make 4 servings. The more soy-milk the creamier the texture. Experiment.

Use Organic veggies as much as possible (for the high nutrition value and low/no toxin level). I clean the organic veggies very little,
knowing that the immune system only gets stronger from a little bit of stuff to work on.  Non-organic veggies I completely stay away from.

Veggies in uppercase are the foundation of the soup, the others are mixed in as available. I always try to get 8 - 10 different veggies in
the soup, and vary each batch by alternating the lowercase ones. 

So here goes; this is laid out in the order I do it all in, and the order they go into the steamer to ensure even steaming, except for the garlic, as I explain why: 

GARLIC x 2 buds, crushed and set aside for the chemical reaction to take place, it needs 10 -15 min for the two natural components to merge into the one health giving substance. One bud goes on top of the veggies while steaming and the other in the boiling water. By the time you are ready to steam everything the reaction in the garlic will be finished and they can be
added last. 

CARROTS x 2, about 8 inches long. Sliced thin, should cover the bottom of an 8" steamer.

YAM / SWEET POTATO x 1, about the size of your fist. Peeled, halved and sliced thin - when peeling leaving a little on, it's good to leave most of the under peel also (the lighter color section just under the peel before the orange meat, don't gouge when peeling and it should be fine). 

POTATOES x 2, 'Yukon Golds' are best, about fist size or so. Peeled (as per yam), halved, sliced.
BEET x 1, fist size or smaller, Peeled, halved and sliced as thin as possible. Adds the color to the soup as well as a sublime sweetness. Can be considered an optional veggie but the soup definitely tastes just that much better with it.  Because of the 'beet juice' while cutting you may want to do it on a separate plate as to not stain the cutting board.

CAULIFLOWER x 1/2 Head, cut/chopped to fit, use the stalk if you wish to increase soup volume but slice it thinly - chop several of the
green leaves and add also.

SPINACH x 5 to 8 dark green, well formed leaves. Chopped into small pieces.

BROCCOLI x 2, chop the tops - use most of the stalk if you wish to increase volume of soup but slice it thin. Chop some of the tiny
leaves and add also. 

PARSLEY, chopped - be careful NOT to use too much, it can really over power the taste. I use a few cuttings, just a small bunch that fits
in the middle of my palm.

Radish x 3, 1 inch or so in diameter. Sliced. Chop a top leaf or two and add.

Snow Peas x 6, sliced/chopped. 

Green Beans x 6, sliced/chopped. 

Asparagus x 4 - 6 stalks, sliced/chopped. 

Brussels Sprouts x 3, diced/chopped.

There are other veggies you can use to vary the nutritional make-up, just remember to keep there amounts small as to not over power
the taste of the whole batch. I use all the uppercase veggies with 3 or 4 of the lowercase ones, I try to alternate the lowercase ones each
batch, and sometimes, depending on availability I have to leave out one of the uppercase ones. It's not a 'religious' recipe, most of the
taste consistency comes from the spice-cubes and spice-salt... which I'm getting to.

I avoid Aluminum Cookware. I think Stainless Steel is best.

So now you've got this stuffed steamer, remember to add the garlic on top. Squish it all in, once it cooks a bit it will all fit better. 

Preparing the water in the bottom of the steamer: 

I use 1/2 a pot of distilled water (for obvious reasons). Even if you just by a jug for the soup would be a good idea,
then the water doesn't affect the soup's taste. 

Add to water: 

-the other piece of crushed garlic.
-1/4 teaspoon of sea salt.
-1 cube of 'Harvest Sun, Organic Herbal Bouillon Cubes'. 
-1 cube of 'Harvest Sun, Organic Vegetable Bouillon Cubes. 
-6 to 8 heaping tablespoons of 'Lundenburg Organic Brown Rice" long or short grain, which ever is available. 

Bring water to boil - put on steamer for 40 to 45 mins and turn down the heat to keep a gentle boil, otherwise the pot may boil dry,
check it in 20mins. The 40 minutes gives the rice a chance to get well cooked for pureeing in with the veggies. The harder veggies need this extra time also considering the amount in the steamer.

After steaming but before adding veggies to the same water for pureeing: Add 1 level'ish tablespoon of 'Herbamare Original Organic Aromatic Sea Salt' and stir well. 

Now mash/chop up veggies while still in steamer with a big spoon, this just makes mixing and pureeing easier.

Put steamed veggies into the spiced cook water and stir well to mix the rice into the veggy-mush. 

I use one of those Braun Hand Blenders (make sure blades are free of old food pieces) to puree it all right in the same pot. You might
have to add a little more water to get it to mix well.  Takes about 4-6min to blend. Remember your chanting. And be careful not to raise the hand blender up too much or you'll be cleaning up a small mess that shoots out everywhere.

I blend it till virtually everything is liquefied, except some of the rice which just never disappears.  Clearing the blades once or twice is a
good idea, helps to blend faster. If you prefer chunky-style soup then blend accordingly.

While the soup mix is still warm I fill the mason jars (leave a 1/2 inch of space for expansion) and freeze immediately. 

To serve; let thaw - I use a toaster oven instead of the micro-wave, or just put it in the fridge in the early morning - break it up in a pot (I use 2 forks to mash it) - add about 6 to 8oz. of distilled water and warm for 5 to 10 mins... just very warm, never boil it!  Fill serving bowls about 1/2 to 3/4's and add cold VitaSoy to cool it to an edible temperature.

And there you have a creamy, nutrition rich, love saturated soup. I always add a teaspoon of the Organic Omega 3 & 6 Balanced oil on top. Serve with toast, crackers or even cook up some pasta and put it in. I've even used small amounts of soup (freeze 1/2 and 1/4 filled jars) to use as a spaghetti sauce.  Experiment. 

As far as the spicing ingredients go, I've tried other combos and leaving something out, but by far the above suggestions have turned
out the best tasting soups consistently. I've eaten it almost daily for years and know the health I've derived from it.

I must say that just making it is a lot easier than what all this reads like. Remember, the secret ingredient to all food is the Gratefulness you feel and offer while preparing and eating it. That makes everything Healthier and taste better.  

Love, Light and Joy Be Yours.  Bon Appitite !


He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe,
is as good as dead; his/her eyes are closed.

-Albert Einstein