Words/Phrases DEFINED: 'fingers-of-negativity'. Father Jerome's SPECIALIZED DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES pertaining to Bose-Einstein Condensates of Non-Matter and Incorporeality, as used in his Works, in QUFD Physics and in the 'QUFD Textbook' Website, at http://go.to/QUFD

Words/Phrases DEFINED:
Father Jerome's SPECIALIZED DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES pertaining to Bose-Einstein Condensates of Non-Matter and Incorporeality, as used in his Works, in QUFD Physics and in the 'QUFD Textbook' Website, at http://go.to/QUFD

The GENERAL CONTEXT of such use is:
The term 'Fingers-of-Negativity' refers to those quantum axion particles of Lucifer's Negativity, which he has 'incursioned' into the quantum 'interstices' between the Upper Mind and the lower mind of every human being! With such a 'positioning', he (Lucifer!) can thusly 'control' and influence EVERY 'output decision' of that individual's Upper Mind, effectively influencing and enabling the spread of his Negativities throughout Humanity and the World!

See my Book, noted at the bottom of this page, for further details as to how these 'Fingers-of-Negativity' came to be there (within all of our Minds!) and other relevant details of the situation!

RETURN to the complete listing/INDEX of ALL QUFD/BEC keywords

can be found within any one of the THREE (3) Complete
DICTIONARIES, on this Website! Choose from the following:

Father Jerome's DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES used in his scientific writings and at his QUFD website

Father Jerome's PSYCHOSOCIOLOGICAL DICTIONARY of Terms/Phrases used in Monograph III of his QUALIA Series

Father Jerome's SPECIALIZED DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES pertaining to Bose-Einstein Condensates of Non-Matter and Incorporeality, as used in his Works, in QUFD Physics and in the 'QUFD Textbook' Website

Also see Father Jerome's BLOG, for info about his latest Book,
"God, Lucifer and You! A ScienceBook of Quantum Physics and Reality, for 5 year old Kids and Adults!"

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