Words/Phrases DEFINED: 'condensate-fields'. Father Jerome's SPECIALIZED DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES pertaining to Bose-Einstein Condensates of Non-Matter and Incorporeality, as used in his Works, in QUFD Physics and in the 'QUFD Textbook' Website, at http://go.to/QUFD

Words/Phrases DEFINED:
Father Jerome's SPECIALIZED DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES pertaining to Bose-Einstein Condensates of Non-Matter and Incorporeality, as used in his Works, in QUFD Physics and in the 'QUFD Textbook' Website, at http://go.to/QUFD

The GENERAL CONTEXT of such use is:
First of all, what distinguishes one Type of Condensate-Field from the other Type of Condensate-Field, is Differentiated Relativity versus Undifferentiated Relativity. (See the definitions for each Term, 'Differentiated Relativity' and 'Undifferentiated Relativity'.)

In that Differentiated Relativity implies and requires that everything within such Context be independent and separate from anything else therein, the Corporeal Condensate-Fields which apply thereto are so realized therein by each and every entity (of Corporeal Condensates) thusly occupying its own independent Corporeal Time and Space. This is the Known World that most everyone knows. Within Corporeality, Jim knows that he cannot occupy the exact same Time and Space as Bob, and that everything else within the Time and Space limitations of Corporeality exists under those exact same limitations!

Therefore, all Fields of Corporeal Condensates, each Field existing within its own Corporeal Time and Space, are Dimension-Fields. However, the Corporeal quantum forces, also (relatively) occupying Fields as well, being non-substantial as well as corporeal, can occupy the exact same Time and Space as substantial Condensate-Dimensions. Or so it may be thought, whereas, in actuality, in that any Corporeal Condensate was created from it's very own parental Condensate of Incorporeality, which did provide it (that new Condensate!) with the Corporeal Time and Space required for each and every part and parcel (atom and molecule!) of that individual Condensate, therefore the parts and molecules of that Condensate exist within their own Time and Space, but within the larger Time and Space of the Universe, the molecules of Jim and Bob's individual Time and Space actually moving about, within the Time and Space of the Universe, each molecule yet occupying it's own independent, yet moving, Time and Space, with the Universe's non-substantial quantum forces/fields actually covering and flowing about the individual molecules of Jim and Bob. In other words, the Fields of Time and Space that constitute Jim and Bob's Corporeal Condensate-Dimensions of Reality and Existence, exist within the exact same Fields of Time and Space as the Universe, but, at the molecular-level, the Time and Space of each molecule of Jim and Bob, moves or flows around the Time and Space Fields of the surrounding Universe's Condensate-Dimension. So, we still have Differentiated Relativity! Jim and Bob exist within the Universe, but at the molecular-level there is a 'parting', with Jim and Bob's individual Time and Space, interacting with the Time and Space of the Universe. And yet they are still independent of each other, as individual Condensate-Field-Dimensions... one Jim, one Bob, and one Universe! Such is the way it is on the Known side of the Fence!

On the other hand, in that Undifferentiated Relativity implies and requires that everything within such Context be Unitary, One and Coherent with anything else therein, the Incorporeal Condensate-Fields which apply thereto are so realized therein by all 'entities' (Incorporeal Condensates) thusly occupying multiple, if not necessarily the exact same, 'point-locations' of aspaciality and atemporality as any other 'entity'! This is so because, regardless of the limitations imposed by Incorporeal Condensate 'boundaries', the fact is that the quantum axion particle(s) that make up each Condensate of Incorporeality's Ground-State 'boundary-region', do yet fully and completely occupy the entire Cosmos! So, the 'qualities' found within any Condensate of Incorporeality, while applying only to the reason and purpose existing within that Condensate's Ground-State 'boundary', are however yet Unitary, One and Coherent with the 'qualities' of any other Condensate AT THE BASIC LEVEL OF THE GROUND-STATE, because all Incorporeal Condensates are comprised of the exact same quantum axion particle(s)!

Here, on the Unknown 'side of the Fence', within Incorporeality, the quantum axion particle is the one, single, Coherent and Unifying 'entity'! However, from that one particle(s), everything in the Cosmos 'comes'! Therefore, unlike in the Reality of the Known World, where Jim and Bob's molecules of Time and Space actually flow around the Fields of Time and Space of the Universe, here, in the Unknown World of Incorporeality, where THERE IS NO TIME AND SPACE, EVERY Condensate-Field-Dimension's Ground-State of 'Reality' and 'Existence', MIGHT ACTUALLY OCCUPY THE EXACT SAME Incorporeal 'Point-Location' as any other Condensate! Because they ALL DERIVE FROM the exact same quantum axion particle(s)!

That said, however, the 'difference', within Incorporeality, between the various Condensates of Incorporeality... WE ARE now NOT TALKING about Condensates of Corporeality, but of Incorporeality! The 'difference', is exclusively the 'boundaried-regions' of their Ground-States, each Ground-State of an Incorporeal Condensate, having 'come into existence' (from another Incorporeal Condensate!), for whatever is the exclusive 'Reason and/or Purpose' FOR THE EXISTENCE OF that particular Ground-State and Condensate-Field-Dimension!

Therefore, each individual Ground-State, or Landscape, is an individual 'entity' of it's own, and, although it MAY find itself on the exact same 'Non-Local Point-Location of the Cosmos' (OR NOT!), if it does, it is actually at a different 'Level' on that 'Point-Location' than anyone else! (Meaning that it exists on that 'Point-Location' because of a 'commonality' with all the others, that 'commonality' being the 'Point-Location' itself, whatever that may be!)

However, again, each and every Ground-State is individual, but the Condensates themselves, the Condensate-Fields-Dimensions of Incorporeality, exist WITHIN EACH OTHER (OR NOT!), depending upon whether they have some 'relationship' to each other or not!

And so, Jim's Incorporeal Condensate-Field-Dimension (on the Incorporeal 'side of the Fence', or the dual-'twin' Condensate of his Corporeal Condensate!), exists within the Condensate-Fields of Jim's Parents. And Jim's Parent's Condensate exists within the somewhat larger Condensates of the particular Tribe and Race, of which Jim's Parents came from. And that Condensate, of a particular Tribal/Racial 'entity', exists within the several larger Condensates of City, State and Nation. And those Condensates, all exist within the individual Societies of those other 'entities'. And all of these Condensates exist within the Ground-States of the Condensates of the entire World! And, not to be forgotten, all of these Condensates, of which Jim is a part thereof, also have their own individual Condensates, existing within all these others somehow, with regard to Jim's individual choices of Religion, School, University, Job, Career, Recreation, Travel, Family, etc., etc., etc. And on and on! All these Condensates of Incorporeality, existing WITHIN EACH OTHER!

And then, were we to turn the entire 'pile of Condensates' upside-down on itself, putting Jim at the top... Then, at the very bottom, of all that is human and Humanity, would be a gigantic Condensate of Incorporeality, that is the Collective Consciousness of All of Humanity! (See 'collective consciousness of humanity' for definition thereof!) However, yet under the Collective and all of Jim's other Condensates... is that of Infinite Consciousness, or God, which permeates throughout every one of those lesser Condensates, with the Positivity of God and the Cosmos!

Again, such is the situation on the Unknown 'side of the Fence', where Jim's Incorporeal Condensate-Fields are Unitary, One, Coherent and just flow right through each other, because there is NO Time and Space and all is Undifferentiated Relativity! However, on the Known side of the Fence, where Jim's molecules, of his Corporeal Condensate-Fields, are corporeal and exist within their own individual Time and Space, those molecules are actually flowing around (NOT through!) the Fields of Time and Space of the Universe, and everything over here (in Corporeality!) is Differentiated Relativity!

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can be found within any one of the THREE (3) Complete
DICTIONARIES, on this Website! Choose from the following:

Father Jerome's DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES used in his scientific writings and at his QUFD website

Father Jerome's PSYCHOSOCIOLOGICAL DICTIONARY of Terms/Phrases used in Monograph III of his QUALIA Series

Father Jerome's SPECIALIZED DICTIONARY of KEYWORDS/PHRASES pertaining to Bose-Einstein Condensates of Non-Matter and Incorporeality, as used in his Works, in QUFD Physics and in the 'QUFD Textbook' Website

Also see Father Jerome's BLOG, for info about his latest Book,
"God, Lucifer and You! A ScienceBook of Quantum Physics and Reality, for 5 year old Kids and Adults!"

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