QUALIA XXXIX: Why God Has Created Mankind To Fulfill a Cosmic Destiny: To Restore Oneness and Wholeness to the Cosmos! From the QUFD website, at: http://go.to/QUFD

QUALIA XXXIX: Why God Has Created Mankind To Fulfill a Cosmic Destiny: To Restore Oneness and Wholeness to the Cosmos!

Exploring QUFD Principles,
from the QUFD website,
at: http://go.to/QUFD

By Father Jerome

  1. I am not, herein this document, even going to get into the 'How', of Mankind's 'creation', as I prefer to leave such 'theology' to the experts on such! And as to the scientific facts and truths of mankind's existence, I have already stated such extensively on these pages already. What I propose to do here, as much as possible, is to stick to and relate the 'Why', of mankind's 'creation', which I think is more apropos for this venue!

  2. I've already related the 'basics', of How the Cosmic 'situation' got to be as it is, in my Book of Jerome......

  3. Actually, I think I am going to leave this where it is for now. Most of what I have to say regarding this subject I've already said in my Book of Jerome and elsewhere on these pages, so I am not going to duplicate such here just to take up more space in this Textbook. If I have anything further, it will appear here at such time as I do. Thank You.

    Aum, Peace, Amen

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