Qualia XXII: Further Conversations between Physicists - 4: "The Quantum Physics of God!" From the QUFD website, at: http://go.to/QUFD

Qualia XXII: Further Conversations between Physicists - 4: "The Quantum Physics of God!"

Exploring QUFD Principles,
from the QUFD website,
at: http://go.to/QUFD

By Father Jerome

    Simplicity and Complexity: That which is Incorporeality, or GOD!

    This QUALIA document, of necessity, has two (2) sections. The first section is the original email communication from Father Jerome to Dr. Richard Ruquist in which Father Jerome details the 'Reality' of the Quantum Physics of God as such appears on the QUFD website and textbook, for Dr. Ruquist's examination and evaluation relative to current 'orthodox' scientific inquiry and research.

    Section Two follows after Section One and consists of a copy of the original communication as well as BOTH Dr. Ruquist's specific comments regarding specific details IN that original communication AS WELL AS Father Jerome's RETURN REPLIES to those questions and comments, wherein Father Jerome attempts to further clarify Dr. Ruquist's understanding of QUFD principles and 'realities' regarding the Quantum Physics of God.

    SECTION ONE (the entire original email)

  1. Richard

  2. This is a further 'thought' that has come to me, as a further clarification and edification of that most basic 'state' of reality which is, in effect and reality, the 'Source' of everything we have been talking about and of that which I have so extensively written about and of which I call... Incorporeality! The further Reality of the matter is that such 'Source' can be named, labelled, defined and so much more, in and by two distinct 'methodologies', although I am not going to even attempt to describe the 'Source' by one of those 'methodologies' in that I am no expert whatsoever in the required 'nuances' of said 'methodology' plus the fact that any and everything that one might say and which has already been 'said' by mankind already is so controversial and divisive that I prefer to not even engage the subject or subjects of such 'methodology' at all! By now, you will realize that the first 'methodology' which I am referring to is... Theology! Which, in the 'common sense', I will have none of nor will I entreat or even deign to 'deal' with such 'methodology', except in the singular 'sense' of my own edification, which is as explication thereof human and Cosmic REALITY!

  3. The second 'methodology' I refer to herewith is that of which I 'know', and by now I am sure that you do realize that I am referring to... Science, Quantum Physics and the scientific 'methodology' thereof analyzing and further describing, defining and delineating such 'realities' thereof! Of course, I will further admit that, in doing so, i.e., using such 'methodology' to so 'analyze' any and everything scientifically, I am sometimes 'eclectic' and non-conforming in my explication and erudition! However such may be, that is Who I am! Because, just as is the Reality of that which I am about to describe, so it is with myself, in that my 'ruminations' and the results thereof do certainly 'come from' not only, what might be called 'orthodox' scientific 'sources', but I also 'open' myself to any and all other 'Sources' as may be 'pertinent' thereto that which I am attempting to declaim!

  4. So, to 'get on' with the matter at hand, I am going to, herein this communication, detail, as best I can, what are the exact and specific 'realities' of... Incorporeality, Spirit, Consciousness, Undifferentiated Relativity, a QUFD-defined 'BEC Condensate', a ground-state thereof, and that most penultimate and awe-inspiring basic Reality of All... Infinite Consciousness (God). But, in doing so, via the use of the scientific 'method', I will be using facts, realities, laws and principles from numerous scientific 'disciplines', the most primary, though, being 'condensates' and 'adaptive complexity', although I also need such disciplines as psychology, medical physics, astrophysics, genetics and more to adequately complete the 'picture'!

  5. Because, in reality, that is more so how I see it... Incorporeality! As a 'picture', a 'visualization' and such, and thusly how I will attempt to describe it, rather than through more 'orthodox' and mathematically-rigorous means! So bear with me here, Richard, as I attempt to 'paint the picture', of the most basic 'Source' of All... Infinite Consciousness!

  6. First of all, I will point out that I will be talking about an AREA, a 'place', with certain but highly arbitrary 'boundaries', such 'boundaries' as may be infinitesimal and yet at the same time infinite! Because we are talking about a most basic 'quality' here... that if UNITY! A 'quality' whereby any and everything contained within those said 'boundaries' is unitary, correlative, bonded, coherent, non-local and so much more, which includes each and every nuclear force and field as well as any and all gravities!

  7. Next, I need to point out that such an 'Area of Unity' exists EVERYWHERE! Even, since we are talking about Incorporeality here, there... on the 'other side' of that 'dividing line' which I have previously mentioned to you in my earlier communications... the 'side' of Corporeality, or physical, material substance and Reality! Incorporeality, and Spirit, pervade the 'entirety' of All That Is, of BOTH the physical and non-physical 'worlds' (or I should really say, Cosmos, but that itself may be an unreal limitation!)

  8. Such is the reason that, as I mentioned to you previously, those two most important 'qualities' of the Corporeal and Newtonian 'world', i.e., 'time' and 'space', can also, at the same time, co-exist with Unity! In other words, there is BOTH time/space AND timelessness/spacelessness (atemporality/aspaciality), AT THE SAME TIME AND SPACE EVERYWHERE! The Unity of Incorporeality pervades all of Corporeality! There actually is a 'dividing line' at the same time that there is NO 'dividing line'! That 'dividing line' is RELATIVE!

  9. And that is the key to understanding Incorporeality! It (that 'dividing line') is Relative TO... ANY POINT, ANYWHERE! Meaning that, even though there may exist, at such a 'point', substantive materiality in some form, there is, at the same time, NON-substantive IMmateriality AT THE SAME Time and Space! Actually, that 'substantive materiality' is really 'created' BY the very existence OF the UNDERLYING non-materiality, existing at the exact same point of Time and Space. Incorporeality BEGETS Corporeality!

  10. But the further key here is that such underlying Incorporeality is UNITARY... AT THAT specific point in Time and Space, with EVERY OTHER point of Time and Space that might exist ANYWHERE! But it is unitary ONLY in Incorporeality... on that 'side' of the 'dividing line'! Because, speaking of that particular point of Time and Space, the Corporeality that exists as the 'reality' AT that particular point of Time and Space, results in a SINGULARITY! There is only ONE, of whatever it is, AT that particular point of Time and Space IN Corporeality!

  11. So, the further Reality IS, that we have DUALITY! We have, what might be called 'pairing', that does exist AT EVERY point of Time and Space THROUGHOUT the entire Cosmos! (Actually, since Incorporeality also includes other 'worlds' or 'dimensions' which have NO Time and Space whatsoever, we must say that Corporeality, or the existence of Time and Space, is certainly NOT extant throughout the entirety of the Cosmos! There are Areas of Incorporeality which, for whatever reasons, have NO Time and Space and thusly there can be no 'pairing' at such points. However, it is not my intent herein this dialogue to get into what is known as the 'higher realms of Spirit' that exist beyond materiality, so I will henceforth be confining my commentary to relationships that have, or relate to, exclusively Corporeality versus Incorporeality!)

  12. So, I've said we have Duality! Each and every 'particle', of Corporeality (AT that specific point of Time and Space!), has a dual or corresponding 'particle', of Incorporeality, AT THAT SAME POINT! But, and this is confining my further declamations primarily to Incorporeality, that 'particle' of Incorporeality is not really a 'particle' at all, because it lies on the 'side' of Incorporeality and therefore it is Unitary WITH EVERY OTHER 'particle' (if it might be called such!) IN THE COSMOS! It is NOT the 'singularity' that the Corporeal 'particle' is and its 'qualities', functions and dynamics, CANNOT be explained by or through the use of ANY Corporeal 'mechanisms', much less Newtonian Physics! Any 'particle', of a point of Time and Space, that exists on the Incorporeal 'side' of that 'dividing line' between 'differentiated relativity' and 'undifferentiated relativity' can ONLY be explained BY the Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics OF QUFD!

  13. So, to finally get to the most important parts of all... exactly WHAT takes place WITHIN those 'boundaries', within those, and that, condensate(s), which are the sum and 'substance' of Incorporeality! Remember the 'visualization' that I have previously put forth to you wherein I used the concept of balloons to describe a condensate! Those balloons have specific 'boundaries' and occupy a specific 'area', and yet within and without of any and all such 'balloons' might be multitudes of more balloons, ranging from infinitesimality to infinity! And I also have pointed out that, while Time and Space do NOT exist within the 'boundaries' of any balloon, RELATIVE TO the 'actuality', or reason-for-existence thereof that particular balloon, at the same time, Time and Space DO EXIST without (or outside OF) THAT particular balloon, RELATIVE TO the particular 'actuality' or reason FOR the existence OF that balloon.

  14. Such that, within the condensate-area of Incorporeality which I am talking about (Cosmic Incorporeality!), there can exist, what might be called 'temporary' or 'momentary' (in-the-moment) 'instances' of Time and Space which are RELATIVE TO a specific condensate-balloon, while AT THE SAME TIME, at such very same 'instance' of momentary 'Time and Space', that 'Time and Space' DOES NOT EXIST RELATIVE TO any OTHER condensate-balloon! We have, here, a similarity to what I have previously discussed in regard to 'particle-pairs' on the 'dividing line' between Corporeality and Incorporeality, except that now I am talking about a particular 'dynamic' which is occurring exclusively WITHIN Incorporeality! And ALL of the 'particle-pairs' that I am talking about now, within Incorporeality, ARE UNITARY, and NOT 'singular' at all! The only 'differentiation' between such individual 'particle-pairs' is WHAT that individual 'particle-pair' IS RELATIVE TO! Plus, at the same time, because of the unitary-nature of any and all 'particle-pairs', any individual 'particle-pair' can be relative to (related to), the specific 'relativity' (purpose for existence) of ANY OTHER or ALL OTHER 'particle-pairs', within that penultimate condensate-balloon which is Infinite Consciousness!

  15. In the previous discussion, I'm referring to the 'boundaries' between condensates, or balloons, such that, within the 'area' of any condensate, 'Time and Space' do not exist, relative to that condensate, while, at the same time, WITHIN that very same condensate-balloon, 'Time and Space' CAN, momentarily, exist, relative TO any OTHER condensate-balloon - at that very same POINT!

  16. The point is, that ALL 'points', within a unitary condensate-balloon, are unitarily relative to all other 'points' within the same condensate! However, at the same time, ANY point, of all those 'points' just mentioned, might possibly have some 'relativity', or relation to, any OTHER specific condensate-balloon and its existence! Such is why we can say that a condensate has, or is, a GROUND-STATE, because each and every 'point' (point of relativity!) within that particular condensate-balloon is related to, or has something to do with, that particular condensate's reason for existence! AT THE SAME TIME, any or all of these points, within that specific condensate (having to do with the specific purpose of that condensate), MAY or MAY NOT also have a 'relationship' (relativity) WITH ANY OTHER condensate that may exist ANYWHERE!

  17. And thusly we have the 'reason' WHY it is necessary for condensate-balloons to communicate with each other at certain (instantaneous and momentary!) times via the necessity of 'phase-space-shifting', when the specific 'communication' is between condensates of differing 'purpose' or relativity, while, AT THE SAME TIME, each and every 'particle-point' within those same condensates is UNITARY and non-local, as to anything OTHER THAN the specific 'purpose' of each of those specific condensates! So, 'Time' and 'Space' do momentarily exist outside the 'boundaries' of any specific condensate, relative to THAT condensate, and so require 'phase-space-shifting' relative to anything concerning that condensate! But, said 'Time' and 'Space' do NOT exist, AT those very same 'points', relative to anything else, and so there is UNITY at such 'points'!

  18. Okay, to go on here, and to delve more so into the 'dynamics' occurring WITHIN the 'boundaries' of any specific condensate, let me reiterate a most obvious 'point' (of contention) here, which is that each and every condensate HAS A PURPOSE FOR BEING, for its existence! At the very basis, or foundation, of that condensate's 'existence', IS that 'purpose', or 'reality', which does so constitute the GROUND-STATE of that specific condensate! Let me further state, that since any specific 'purpose' or 'reality' does usually have many (if not multitudes) of interlocking and inter-relating 'aspects' TO that specific 'reality', therefore each and every one of those individual 'aspects' MAY HAVE necessary and corresponding 'realities' ELSEWHERE as well, in OTHER condensates having to do WITH that specific 'aspect'! Thusly, we have myriads of overlapping and interrelated condensates, each one having a ground-state related to its specific purpose for existence, but, within that condensate, are 'aspects' or factors from any number of other condensates! And so we have the beginnings of the LANDSCAPE of any condensate.

  19. Very briefly, I will mention, as to 'landscape', that when a condensate is 'relating', or relative TO, another condensate, in its very existence, the 'side', or 'boundary', that is 'relating' to that other condensate, has a 'landscape' that is filled with all of the 'aspects' and factors OF that 'relationship' with said other condensate. Thusly, the 'transactions' and communications that occur between these two condensates across the 'boundaries' of these condensates are primarily 'phase-space-shifts' of 'Time and Space'. At the same time, the 'landscape' on the OTHER side of that condensate (opposite from the second condensate-relationship), will probably have a very different 'landscape', which is relating to (relevant to), possibly a third condensate (or even multiple other condensates). The point is that the 'landscape', on ANY 'side' of a condensate (there usually being two 'sides', i.e., a flattened-balloon, however there may actually be any number of 'sides' or 'surfaces' to a condensate, each 'side' having its own specific 'landscape', relative to whatever other condensate(s) it may be relating to!), has hills, mountains, valleys and plateaus which are comprised or derived from 'inputs' TO that condensate FROM other condensates and/or 'sources', whatever such may be!

  20. Now, I'm going to get to another most important 'aspect' of a condensate-balloon (whether that condensate is the penultimate condensate of Infinite Consciousness OR any smaller condensate that should exist within that Incorporeality and/or Cosmos!) And such is why I call all of this (what I have been discussing!)... Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics, or QUFD!

  21. We already realize that we are talking about the quantum regions or realms of unobservable Incorporeality. We also realize that we are talking about a unitary field, or fields (actually condensates!), where all nuclear forces/fields and gravities are unitary, null, void or such (however scientists may ultimately define 'unitary'!)

  22. Now, lets get to the final and ultimate 'reality' about these condensates. Anything that occurs within any and all condensates, is occurring DYNAMICALLY, or instantaneously - IN THE MOMENT - and thusly the 'landscapes' of EVERY condensate are dynamically and instantaneously IN MOTION, or ACTIVE! And that 'activity' is all related TO whatever the 'inputs' TO that particular condensate may be at any particular time AS WELL AS that specific condensate's 'relationships' with other and ALL condensates, THROUGHOUT the entire Cosmos and Incorporeality! Quantum Unitary Field DYNAMICS - QUFD!

  23. And there are a lot of 'dynamics' going on in Incorporeality at any moment! But lets narrow it down just a bit further, in examing the 'reality' of dynamics! In a specific condensate, we start with a GROUND-STATE of basic COHERENCE, which I have said is related to the purpose or reason for that condensate existing in the first place! AND, very importantly, we also start with another DUALITY, although quite different from those dualities we have so far discussed. This 'duality' is ORDER versus CHAOS!

  24. Actually, 'Order' and 'Chaos' do derive from a previously mentioned Duality, that of Positivity versus Negativity, or Lucifer versus God (Heaven versus Hell)! Accordingly, within our condensate which we are discussing, which is OVERALL comprised of quantum axion particles of Positivity, there is, fundamentally and basic TO each and every GROUND-STATE, the 'qualities' or 'states' of ORDER and of CHAOS, which represent, consequently, the 'digital-action' of YES (Order) or NO (Chaos), with regard to ANY ISSUE or matter (aspect) which that condensate may concern itself with via its 'inputs'. Further, Order is basically comprised of Positive quantum axion particles, whereas Chaos is basically comprised of Negative quantum axion particles!

  25. (Okay, an interjection here, regarding the very nature of any condensate! Throughout this discussion, I am talking about, and have said, that the basic 'nature' of a condensate is of Positivity and of Positive quantum axion particles of Consciousness! I will 'qualify' that statement! Positive condensates are all related to Life-form 'entities' which are basically Positive in their 'nature' and can be said to be OF Infinite Consciousness, or God, or Heaven, and the Positivity thereof! However, there does exist, WITHIN that overall condensate of Infinite Consciousness, those 'dimensions' which are known as the 'Nether Regions', Hell or Hades, or the Luciferian Complex of Consciousness and 'dimensionality'! In other words, Negativity! AND, there ARE certain Life-form 'entities', existing in both Incorporeality AND Corporeality, whose condensates ARE, by their very 'nature', NEGATIVE! In such cases, the basic quantum axion particles OF said condensates are Negative! That is all I will say about this 'sector' of Incorporeality!)

  26. Okay, we have the necessary requirements, within our condensate, for dynamics to occur: we have a GROUND-STATE, we have ORDER versus CHAOS, and we have INPUTS (from wherever!) We also have the basic ATTRIBUTES of a condensate, such being: COHERENCE (in this case the Ground-State, or basic reason for existence); SELF-ORDERING (which really entails actions that take place between ORDER and CHAOS!); ADAPTIVE COMPLEXITY (which relates to what dynamics might occur relative TO the INPUTS thereto such condensate!); and we also have SENTIENCE, or SPIRIT (which is the Guiding 'factor' or 'Intelligence' behind any and all 'dynamics' that might occur, wherein such 'dynamics' do include such things as reasoning, logic, and any and every attribute of intelligence and compassion which, of course, come from the basic fact that this specific condensate is a part of, unitarily, the penultimate 'Source' of All That Is, that gigantic condensate of Consciousness, which is Infinite Consciousness!)

  27. Okay, we now put all of these 'dynamics' into action and the result IS... whatever it is, IN THE MOMENT and instantaneously, relative TO the specific purpose for the existence of that specific condensate, AS WELL AS its particular and specific 'interaction' with any other condensate (or condensates) OR any particular 'aspect' OF Corporeality! In such 'reality', our condensate may be the lower human mind (interfacing between Mind/Soul and the brain). Or it may be the Upper human Mind, the Soul or Self, interfacing between the lower mind (the self) and the rest of the Cosmos and Incorporeality! Or it may be the condensate-balloon of the Life-form of anything else in the Cosmos, such as an ant, a rock, a tree or a pulsar!

  28. The final point is, that what I have described is known by many 'names': Incorporeality, Undifferentiated Relativity, Spirit, Consciousness, Infinite Consciousness, God and... What I have here done is describe It, as scientifically as I can, using the known laws, principles and facts, of Quantum Physics and more, such that anyone can now understand the basis and fundamental 'Reality'... of That Which Is!

    Aum, Peace, Amen
    Father Jerome

    End of SECTION ONE

    SECTION TWO (both reply emails plus original communication)

    Hi Richard

  29. Well, it all seems so simple to me, a great big single picture... and yes, my use of 'singularity' does mean unique, but I can see where it also might imply unitary. I guess I'm just going to have to get used to your 'official' definition of some concepts and then try to relate your 'definition' to the term and definition that has been 'given to me' over the last 10 years and more! Anyway, as I say, it all seems so simple, that there is one big 'condensate', that of Incorporeality which, at the same time, is infinitely complex! And yes, I'm trying to say that 'time' and 'space' DO exist in a condensate, but only RELATIVE TO other condensates, NOT the condensate in which such 'time and space' does exist.

  30. Okay, let me go thru your individual responses and see if I can clear up any confusion, because, as I've said, it all seems so simple to me!

    Father Jerome

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "RICHARD" yanniru@harvard.alumni.net
    To: "Father Jerome FIWD" fatherjerome@fiwd.org
    Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 7:03 AM
    Subject: Re: Incorporeality

    Dear Father Jerome,

  31. (Ruquist)It took me a while to go through your rather lengthy post. But finally here is my reaction. Hope you do not mind hopefully constructive criticism. I reply paragraph by paragraph.
    (Original text is indented herein the following.) This is a further 'thought' that has come to me, as a further clarification and edification of that most basic 'state' of reality which is, in effect and reality, the 'Source' of everything we have been talking about and of that which I have so extensively written about and of which I call... Incorporeality! The further Reality of the matter is that such 'Source' can be named, labelled, defined and so much more, in and by two distinct 'methodologies', although I am not going to even attempt to describe the 'Source' by one of those 'methodologies' in that I am no expert whatsoever in the required 'nuances' of said 'methodology' plus the fact that any and everything that one might say and which has already been 'said' by mankind already is so controversial and divisive that I prefer to not even engage the subject or subjects of such 'methodology' at all! By now, you will realize that the first 'methodology' which I am referring to is... Theology! Which, in the 'common sense', I will have none of nor will I entreat or even deign to 'deal' with such 'methodology', except in the singular 'sense' of my own edification, which is as explication thereof human and Cosmic REALITY!
  32. (Ruquist)These are two methodologies of incorporeality, I presume.

  33. (Jerome)Well, I guess I was merely trying to say that some folks look at God from a theological perspective but that I do not! I look at God from the perspective of all the scientific info and 'data' that has ever been given to me. Perhaps there may be 'anomalies' (errors, but perhaps you have a different 'definition' of that term!) in my conceptualization, but I seem to doubt that any part of the 'Big Picture' may be an 'anomaly' when the totality of the overall picture 'fits together' precisely as to all the pieces and, additionally, makes sense!

    The second 'methodology' I refer to herewith is that of which I 'know', and by now I am sure that you do realize that I am referring to... Science, Quantum Physics and the scientific 'methodology' thereof analyzing and further describing, defining and delineating such 'realities' thereof! Of course, I will further admit that, in doing so, i.e., using such 'methodology' to so 'analyze' any and everything scientifically, I am sometimes 'eclectic' and non-conforming in my explication and erudition! However such may be, that is Who I am! Because, just as is the Reality of that which I am about to describe, so it is with myself, in that my 'ruminations' and the results thereof do certainly 'come from' not only, what might be called 'orthodox' scientific 'sources', but I also 'open' myself to any and all other 'Sources' as may be 'pertinent' thereto that which I am attempting to declaim!
  34. (Ruquist)OK
    So, to 'get on' with the matter at hand, I am going to, herein this communication, detail, as best I can, what are the exact and specific 'realities' of... Incorporeality, Spirit, Consciousness, Undifferentiated Relativity, a QUFD-defined 'BEC Condensate', a ground-state thereof, and that most penultimate and awe-inspiring basic Reality of All... Infinite Consciousness (God). But, in doing so, via the use of the scientific 'method', I will be using facts, realities, laws and principles from numerous scientific 'disciplines', the most primary, though, being 'condensates' and 'adaptive complexity', although I also need such disciplines as psychology, medical physics, astrophysics, genetics and more to adequately complete the 'picture'!
  35. (Ruquist)Need to define adaptive complexity. Coverage expected:
    1. Spirit
    2. Consciousness
    3. Undifferentiated Relativity(needs definition)
    4. BEC Condensate
    5. Infinite Consciousness

  36. (Jerome)Okay, you say I need to define adaptive complexity. Well, I would say, starting with a reference to something in your 'world', of orthodox scientific organizations... I would say, that the subject of 'adaptive complexity' has already been most thoroughly covered, at least in the popular literature (which is what I have occasionally perused, rather than the more specific 'Journals', although I guess I do remember perusing some of the Physical Reviews a number of times over the years!) by the folks from the Santa Fe Institute, i.e., Murray Gell-Mann, Chris ??? and such. But basically, it seems so simple to 'overlay' all such laws and principles of adaptive complexity onto all the laws and principles for BEC condensates. And the further thing that just seems so simple (and I'm going to try to use different wording here, rather than my terminology, and maybe, by doing so, I might enable the 'picture' to be seen!), is that something can exist, in time and space, from one perspective while, when viewed from another perspective, that same thing does NOT exist! More so, that that very same 'time and space', relative to that very same point, may or may NOT exist! And on top of that, at this very same point, one view (or perspective) of time and space, can be completely different than time and space when viewed from another perspective! Such is the basic definition of 'relativity', in that it defines anything that occurs at a specific point of time and space as 'relative' to the concept, view, perspective or what have you, which is including that specific point of time and space in its definition or reality! And further, I am saying that all of these 'dynamics' take place WITHIN Incorporeality! In fact, by the very definition of the word 'dynamics', I imply that I am referring to a process or activity that cannot occur in Corporeality or anywhere in the physical/material 'world' but ONLY in the Incorporeal 'world', where the laws and principles of condensates and adaptive complexity apply rather than orthodox Newtonian laws. As to Undifferentiated, it merely means that it is referring to the state of existence, as to ANY point-location of time and space within such a 'boundaried area', where such 'dynamics' of condensates and adaptive complexity are occurring. In other words, at any point-location within undifferentiated relativity, there can exist a single, unique, 'something/anything', RELATIVE TO Perspective/Viewpoint #1, while AT THE SAME TIME, at the SAME point-location, RELATIVE TO Perspective/Viewpoint #2, any and everything existing AT THAT LOCATION is unitary or UNdifferentiated! As to the 5 words/terms you list, they are, or can be, all the same thing! Although condensates can occur within condensates, and certain laws and principles of Newtonian 'time and space' may or may not apply within and without of all these condensates, as long as EVERYTHING that is occurring (whether time/space related OR NOT!), IS OCCURRING WITHIN that ULTIMATE 'condensate' which is the infinity of the Cosmos, I will say that that singular, one, unique condensate, IS what I call: Infinite Consciousness; God; Consciousness; Spirit; Incorporeality; Undifferentiated Relativity; a condensate; and maybe more terms yet! ANYTHING and EVERYTHING occurring INSIDE of that condensate, as opposed to Corporeality, or physical/material 'reality', IS Incorporeality, or what you might have defined as the 11th dimension. But, there is one further 'kicker' here. Remember, I said that we can OVERLAY all of this on top of something else? Well, here's the 'kicker'. Visualize this! Corporeality, the physical/material 'world', not only overlayed on top of Incorporeality, but actually CONTAINED WITHIN Incorporeality! Thusly, Incorporeality, God, IS EVERYWHERE!
    Because, in reality, that is more so how I see it... Incorporeality! As a 'picture', a 'visualization' and such, and thusly how I will attempt to describe it, rather than through more 'orthodox' and mathematically-rigorous means! So bear with me here, Richard, as I attempt to 'paint the picture', of the most basic 'Source' of All... Infinite Consciousness!
  37. (Ruquist)OK
    First of all, I will point out that I will be talking about an AREA, a 'place', with certain but highly arbitrary 'boundaries', such 'boundaries' as may be infinitesimal and yet at the same time infinite! Because we are talking about a most basic 'quality' here... that if UNITY! A 'quality' whereby any and everything contained within those said 'boundaries' is unitary, correlative, bonded, coherent, non-local and so much more, which includes each and every nuclear force and field as well as any and all gravities!
  38. (Ruquist)Puzzled- Later on you say all such forces and fields are zero.

  39. (Jerome)Unitary fields/forces/gravities, perhaps, are yet to be adequately defined by physics, as to what is actually taking place at any point-location where time and space might exist relative to one 'reality' while, relative to another 'reality', such 'time and space' DO NOT EXIST and all fields/forces/gravities are unitary! Actually, I leave that up to physicists to yet define. As to my own use of such terms, I merely refer to the fact that a point-location MAY BE of time and space WHILE AT THE SAME TIME being atemporal/intemporal and aspacial/inspacial, while under the 'influence' of zero/unitary fields/forces and gravities!
    Next, I need to point out that such an 'Area of Unity' exists EVERYWHERE! Even, since we are talking about Incorporeality here, there... on the 'other side' of that 'dividing line' which I have previously mentioned to you in my earlier communications... the 'side' of Corporeality, or physical, material substance and Reality! Incorporeality, and Spirit, pervade the 'entirety' of All That Is, of BOTH the physical and non-physical 'worlds' (or I should really say, Cosmos, but that itself may be an unreal limitation!)
  40. (Ruquist)So the AREA is infinite??? Then why does it have meaning?

  41. (Jerome)To distinguish between 'Areas' such as the Cosmos (which is certainly infinite) and any lesser condensate, which has its own specific reason for existence WHILE, at the same time, yet being a part thereof that Infinite Condensate which is the Cosmos or God! Actually, God is yet more 'Infinite' than even the Cosmos!
    Such is the reason that, as I mentioned to you previously, those two most important 'qualities' of the Corporeal and Newtonian 'world', i.e., 'time' and 'space', can also, at the same time, co-exist with Unity! In other words, there is BOTH time/space AND timelessness/spacelessness (atemporality/aspaciality), AT THE SAME TIME AND SPACE EVERYWHERE! The Unity of Incorporeality pervades all of Corporeality! There actually is a 'dividing line' at the same time that there is NO 'dividing line'! That 'dividing line' is RELATIVE!
  42. (Ruquist)You must mean that spacetime on the corporeal side is mapped into the entirety of the incorporeal side.

  43. (Jerome)Yes!
    And that is the key to understanding Incorporeality! It (that 'dividing line') is Relative TO... ANY POINT, ANYWHERE! Meaning that, even though there may exist, at such a 'point', substantive materiality in some form, there is, at the same time, NON-substantive IMmateriality AT THE SAME Time and Space! Actually, that 'substantive materiality' is really 'created' BY the very existence OF the UNDERLYING non-materiality, existing at the exact same point of Time and Space. Incorporeality BEGETS Corporeality!
  44. (Ruquist)I do not understand this. It sounds like wave/particle duality where waves which are infinite can collapse into particles that are localized in spacetime. Is that what you mean??

  45. (Jerome)Maybe yes! Maybe so! But why cannot waves and particles EXIST SIMULTANEOUSLY, without the necessity of 'collapsing' into particles, EXCEPT for 'observation', which can only take place in the Corporeal 'world'! If those 'waves' (and even 'particles'!) ARE UNOBSERVED, they are yet just as 'Real' in Incorporeality! (Your 11th dimension!)
    But the further key here is that such underlying Incorporeality is UNITARY... AT THAT specific point in Time and Space, with EVERY OTHER point of Time and Space that might exist ANYWHERE! But it is unitary ONLY in Incorporeality... on that 'side' of the 'dividing line'! Because, speaking of that particular point of Time and Space, the Corporeality that exists as the 'reality' AT that particular point of Time and Space, results in a SINGULARITY! There is only ONE, of whatever it is, AT that particular point of Time and Space IN Corporeality!
  46. (Ruquist)OK. I can understand that the axion condensate is unitary. It is completely entangled and all of it is in communication with all of itself. I do not understand how corporeality can be singular anywhere. In science singularity means that something is infinite. That is not allowed in physical theory. If it happens, the theory is said to breakdown. I suspect that you mean that the point in corporeal spacetime is UNIQUE. Is that correct??

  47. (Jerome)Yep! Uniqueness only occurs in corporeality (as to OBSERVATION!), NOT in Incorporeality! And yet, as I have said, Corporeality exists WITHIN Incorporeality, which is NOT observable!
    So, the further Reality IS, that we have DUALITY! We have, what might be called 'pairing', that does exist AT EVERY point of Time and Space THROUGHOUT the entire Cosmos! (Actually, since Incorporeality also includes other 'worlds' or 'dimensions' which have NO Time and Space whatsoever, we must say that Corporeality, or the existence of Time and Space, is certainly NOT extant throughout the entirety of the Cosmos! There are Areas of Incorporeality which, for whatever reasons, have NO Time and Space and thusly there can be no 'pairing' at such points. However, it is not my intent herein this dialogue to get into what is known as the 'higher realms of Spirit' that exist beyond materiality, so I will henceforth be confining my commentary to relationships that have, or relate to, exclusively Corporeality versus Incorporeality!)
  48. (Ruquist)OK
    So, I've said we have Duality! Each and every 'particle', of Corporeality (AT that specific point of Time and Space!), has a dual or corresponding 'particle', of Incorporeality, AT THAT SAME POINT! But, and this is confining my further declamations primarily to Incorporeality, that 'particle' of Incorporeality is not really a 'particle' at all, because it lies on the 'side' of Incorporeality and therefore it is Unitary WITH EVERY OTHER 'particle' (if it might be called such!) IN THE COSMOS! It is NOT the 'singularity' that the Corporeal 'particle' is and its 'qualities', functions and dynamics, CANNOT be explained by or through the use of ANY Corporeal 'mechanisms', much less Newtonian Physics! Any 'particle', of a point of Time and Space, that exists on the Incorporeal 'side' of that 'dividing line' between 'differentiated relativity' and 'undifferentiated relativity' can ONLY be explained BY the Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics OF QUFD!
  49. (Ruquist)1.This sounds like supersymmetry where every physical particle has a partner in Dark Matter.
    2. Quantum Theory is a corporeal theory. Yet you use it in QUFD- just a quibble.
    3. I think what you mean here is that in the incorporeal layers, the wave/particle duality does not apply. It's all waves. They do not collapse into particles. That is true for BEC condensates. That's why they are frictionless. And the waves do not have a specific location. They are infinite in extent, but have a higher probability or amplitude in specific locations.
    4. You need to define differentiated as opposed to undifferentiated relativity.

  50. (Jerome)First, I use Quantum Theory in QUFD with 'qualification', meaning that I define Quantum Mechanics as applying to Corporeality, while I define Quantum Physics as applying to Incorporeality. As far as QUFD is concerned, they are NOT the same thing! Next, Incorporeality is not 'layers'. Just because I said you can 'overlay' something on top of another, does not mean that these two 'overlays' are yet distinct or different from each other! In the 'overlay' of each other, they have both become one and the same, with NO distinctness whatsoever! HOWEVER, this is from one Perspective #1! From Perspective #2, perhaps they ARE YET INDIVIDUAL AND DISTINCT, but ONLY from that Perspective, NOT from Perspective #1!
    So, to finally get to the most important parts of all... exactly WHAT takes place WITHIN those 'boundaries', within those, and that, condensate(s), which are the sum and 'substance' of Incorporeality! Remember the 'visualization' that I have previously put forth to you wherein I used the concept of balloons to describe a condensate! Those balloons have specific 'boundaries' and occupy a specific 'area', and yet within and without of any and all such 'balloons' might be multitudes of more balloons, ranging from infinitesimality to infinity! And I also have pointed out that, while Time and Space do NOT exist within the 'boundaries' of any balloon, RELATIVE TO the 'actuality', or reason-for-existence thereof that particular balloon, at the same time, Time and Space DO EXIST without (or outside OF) THAT particular balloon, RELATIVE TO the particular 'actuality' or reason FOR the existence OF that balloon.
  51. (Ruquist)You speak of areas and boundaries, which are spacetime concepts. I suspect that your visualization is in category space rather than physical space. The multitude of condensates must all overlap each other in spacetime. You seem to be saying that spacetime divides the different condensates. This I cannot understand. Unless you mean that for one condensate to communicate to another, its waves must collapse into particles at specific locations in spacetime.???

  52. (Jerome)That is getting close! One condensate communicates its 10-d 'experiences' to another condensate's 10-d 'reality' via phase-space-shifting! But, at the same time, both condensates exist within a larger condensate (your 11th dimension?) where the 'spacetime' relative to these two condensates DOES NOT EXIST, because such spacetime is ONLY between the 'boundaries' of the smaller condensates and NOT within the 'boundaries' of the larger condensate! Let's try to give an example here! Let's talk about the two separate condensates of the human Mind, Upper Mind and lower mind. Now, your 'spacetime' exists between both condensates, Upper and lower, while at the same time, such 'spacetime' does not exist within the larger condensate of Incorporeality or God (your 11th dimension!) within which these two condensates are enclosed! Now, let's go inside of the condensate of Upper Mind itself! Overall, as to the area of the boundaries which is Upper Mind, within such Area of Consciousness and Incorporeality, there is NO 'spacetime'! However, over here on the left side of our ground-state of Consciousness, within Upper Mind, on the 'landscape' of the lower side of our condensate (where a 'landscape' is the sum and substance of NOT ONLY each and every 'input' that has occurred within that condensate BUT ALSO every action or 'dynamic', or decision, that has been made BY that condensate!)... over here, on the left side of our ground-state 'landscape', we have a point-location that relates to one psychological 'attribute', that of... EMOTIONS! Now, as a result of all our 'inputs' of that MOMENT, there is starting to rise up, from the coherence of the basic ground-state, AT a point-location that not only corresponds to 'Emotions' on that 'landscape', but also, at this point, the dividing line between ORDER and CHAOS! So, we actually have three (3) things, to start our 'self-ordering' process: the basic ground-state, at a point location which might correspond to Emotion; plus Order; plus Chaos! To those three, we add ALL of the 'inputs' from everywhere! So, now this 'stew' is really starting to 'bubble' and brew! And as it 'brews', the adaptive-complexity 'dynamics' of the condensate, as well as the Sentience/Spirit, or decision-making 'dynamics' of the condensate, all combine to 'self-order' a rising 'point-of-criticality' of it all, thusly producing a 'perturbation' that looks more like a mountain, on that 'landscape'! Now, since two of the possible 'outputs', from that self-ordered perturbation/mountain which is our Emotions, might be 'Love' and 'Hate', we now also have, rising up on opposite sides of that mountain, two new perturbation points-of-criticality, one of which, on the predominantly ORDER-related side of that Emotional mountain, becomes a new perturbation, with its own specific point-location of the 'landscape' of that Upper Mind, and it is LOVE! Likewise, on the opposite side of our Emotional mountain, on the predominantly CHAOS-side, we also have a new perturbation, with its own specific point-location on the Upper Mind's 'landscape', and it is HATE!

  53. Now, back to spacetime and phase-space-shifting! Being as the instantaneous and momentary 'dynamics' that are now occurring in our condensate relative to Emotions (which actions are occurring so swiftly and moving so fast, that any one point-location WITHIN that Emotional mountain of self-ordering MAY or MAY NOT exist from one moment to the next...) are now resulting in those two separate 'outputs', Love and Hate, which are occurring, however, on opposite sides of that Emotional mountain (Order versus Chaos!), each one of these three perturbations HAS ITS OWN 'boundaries' and 'area' of self-ordering! All that is relevant to the totality of the Emotions is contained within that new and exclusive sub-condensate which is that mountain of Emotions! And yet there, on the opposite slopes of that condensate of Emotional self-ordering, we also now have two MORE sub-condensates, which are exclusively self-organized around either Love or Hate! Now, all three of these condensates, Love, Hate and Emotions, are contained within the larger condensate of the Upper Mind, and so 'spacetime' does not exist for any of these smaller condensates, from the perspective of the Upper Mind! And neither does spacetime exist WITHIN any one of those three condensates AS TO that 'dynamic' or quality by which that condensate has been 'created' or self-ordered: Emotions, Love or Hate! BUT, spacetime MUST exist (if only MOMENTARILY!), for there to be any interaction (communications) between each other (of these three condensates) OR any other condensate within the Upper Mind (which might be similar to our Emotions condensate/ground-state, which IS the instantaneous and momentary 'ground-state' of our Emotions AT THAT INSTANT!), such as the 'Family' condensate/ground-state! In other words, the 'slopes' of that Emotional mountain-condensate are probably overlapping the slopes of that Family mountain-condensate! And since all communications between condensates requires phase-space-shifting, there is probably a lot of phase-space-shifting, as to whatever 'dynamics' are creating this whole mess, going on and communicating between all these condensates that are attempting to self-order themselves relative to whatever their purpose for existence IS! So there is spacetime between them all and yet spacetime does not exist in the overallness of Upper Mind! And more than that, spacetime must exist between any point of the Upper Mind and its corresponding point on the lower mind! And on the underside of the lower mind, spacetime must exist at, and within, each point of the lower mind and its corresponding specific and individual synapse/glial brain-mind interface point! But since all these points are yet within Incorporeality (the condensate of Infinite Consciousness!), even though spacetime exists momentarily between these subcondensates at such points, that very same spacetime does NOT exist from the perspective of God, but instead, all is UNITARY!
    Such that, within the condensate-area of Incorporeality which I am talking about (Cosmic Incorporeality!), there can exist, what might be called 'temporary' or 'momentary' (in-the-moment) 'instances' of Time and Space which are RELATIVE TO a specific condensate-balloon, while AT THE SAME TIME, at such very same 'instance' of momentary 'Time and Space', that 'Time and Space' DOES NOT EXIST RELATIVE TO any OTHER condensate-balloon! We have, here, a similarity to what I have previously discussed in regard to 'particle-pairs' on the 'dividing line' between Corporeality and Incorporeality, except that now I am talking about a particular 'dynamic' which is occurring exclusively WITHIN Incorporeality! And ALL of the 'particle-pairs' that I am talking about now, within Incorporeality, ARE UNITARY, and NOT 'singular' at all! The only 'differentiation' between such individual 'particle-pairs' is WHAT that individual 'particle-pair' IS RELATIVE TO! Plus, at the same time, because of the unitary-nature of any and all 'particle-pairs', any individual 'particle-pair' can be relative to (related to), the specific 'relativity' (purpose for existence) of ANY OTHER or ALL OTHER 'particle-pairs', within that penultimate condensate-balloon which is Infinite Consciousness!
  54. (Ruquist)Particle pair- yet another new concept. How can you have particle pairs in the corporeal layers if particles cannot exist there. You are completely losing me here. How can particles be unitary???

  55. (Jerome)Okay, by particle-pairs I believe I am referring to the particle that exists in corporeality (differentiated relativity) and its corresponding 'particle' (shadow-particle) or 'wave', that exists in incorporeality (undifferentiated relativity), or your 11th dimension! Corporeal particles are single/unique while incorporeal 'particles'/waves are unitary and NOT unique! Again, we are talking about 2 perspectives, one from the corporeal/differentiated relativity side of our dividing line, and the other perspective from the opposite side of our dividing line, incorporeality/undifferentiated relativity. As you have said, one particle is in the 10-d 'real' world, while the other 'particle' (or wave), is its 'reflection', in the 11th dimension! (But it is also a unique 'condensate', within the 11th dimension (Incorporeality), just as the 'real world' is a uniqueness itself. Except the 'real' world is differentiated (Corporeal) while our 'shadow world' is undifferentiated (Incorporeal!)
    In the previous discussion, I'm referring to the 'boundaries' between condensates, or balloons, such that, within the 'area' of any condensate, 'Time and Space' do not exist, relative to that condensate, while, at the same time, WITHIN that very same condensate-balloon, 'Time and Space' CAN, momentarily, exist, relative TO any OTHER condensate-balloon - at that very same POINT!
  56. (Ruquist)You seem to be saying that waves can collapse into particles in a condensate layer???

  57. (Jerome)Yes and No! It all depends on whose perspective you are talking about, Corporeality or Incorporeality! And forget about 'layers'! I don't know that I have ever used the word 'layers' except in the sense of 'overlay', which I then defined to NOT mean 'layers'!
    The point is, that ALL 'points', within a unitary condensate-balloon, are unitarily relative to all other 'points' within the same condensate! However, at the same time, ANY point, of all those 'points' just mentioned, might possibly have some 'relativity', or relation to, any OTHER specific condensate-balloon and its existence! Such is why we can say that a condensate has, or is, a GROUND-STATE, because each and every 'point' (point of relativity!) within that particular condensate-balloon is related to, or has something to do with, that particular condensate's reason for existence! AT THE SAME TIME, any or all of these points, within that specific condensate (having to do with the specific purpose of that condensate), MAY or MAY NOT also have a 'relationship' (relativity) WITH ANY OTHER condensate that may exist ANYWHERE!
  58. (Ruquist)The points that relate to other condensates are not in the ground-state, right?

  59. (Jerome)EVERY condensate has its own 'ground-state', relevant to what that condensate is about, its reason for existence! Within ANY condensate, then, all the 'dynamics' and activities, and self-ordering, that is going to take place within that condensate, arises from that coherent ground-state!
    And thusly we have the 'reason' WHY it is necessary for condensate-balloons to communicate with each other at certain (instantaneous and momentary!) times via the necessity of 'phase-space-shifting', when the specific 'communication' is between condensates of differing 'purpose' or relativity, while, AT THE SAME TIME, each and every 'particle-point' within those same condensates is UNITARY and non-local, as to anything OTHER THAN the specific 'purpose' of each of those specific condensates! So, 'Time' and 'Space' do momentarily exist outside the 'boundaries' of any specific condensate, relative to THAT condensate, and so require 'phase-space-shifting' relative to anything concerning that condensate! But, said 'Time' and 'Space' do NOT exist, AT those very same 'points', relative to anything else, and so there is UNITY at such 'points'!
  60. (Ruquist)Phase-shifting- yet another unexplained concept. The phase of what- the waves. Above you said that time and space exist momentarily within the condensate. But here you say it is outside the condensate. I am confused.

  61. (Jerome)Phase-space-shifting is only required where spacetime exists! It does not exist where spacetime does not exist! And yet from opposite perspectives, BOTH of those 'states' can exist simultaneously at any point! Corporeality 'perspective' versus Incorporeality 'perspective'! If a point exists in the 11th dimension, what do you see when looking at that point from the 10-d 'real world'??? What do you see when looking at the same point from your 10-d 'shadow' or parallel 'world???
    Okay, to go on here, and to delve more so into the 'dynamics' occurring WITHIN the 'boundaries' of any specific condensate, let me reiterate a most obvious 'point' (of contention) here, which is that each and every condensate HAS A PURPOSE FOR BEING, for its existence! At the very basis, or foundation, of that condensate's 'existence', IS that 'purpose', or 'reality', which does so constitute the GROUND-STATE of that specific condensate! Let me further state, that since any specific 'purpose' or 'reality' does usually have many (if not multitudes) of interlocking and inter-relating 'aspects' TO that specific 'reality', therefore each and every one of those individual 'aspects' MAY HAVE necessary and corresponding 'realities' ELSEWHERE as well, in OTHER condensates having to do WITH that specific 'aspect'! Thusly, we have myriads of overlapping and interrelated condensates, each one having a ground-state related to its specific purpose for existence, but, within that condensate, are 'aspects' or factors from any number of other condensates! And so we have the beginnings of the LANDSCAPE of any condensate.
  62. (Ruquist)ELSEWHERE- what does that mean for a condensate that exists everywhere as you said above??? Do you mean that all condensates are entangled?

  63. (Jerome)Hell yes! But from what perspective (corporeality OR incorporeality) are you talking about??? Remember, anything is SO... ONLY with respect to that which it is related to (RELATIVITY!)
    Very briefly, I will mention, as to 'landscape', that when a condensate is 'relating', or relative TO, another condensate, in its very existence, the 'side', or 'boundary', that is 'relating' to that other condensate, has a 'landscape' that is filled with all of the 'aspects' and factors OF that 'relationship' with said other condensate. Thusly, the 'transactions' and communications that occur between these two condensates across the 'boundaries' of these condensates are primarily 'phase-space-shifts' of 'Time and Space'. At the same time, the 'landscape' on the OTHER side of that condensate (opposite from the second condensate-relationship), will probably have a very different 'landscape', which is relating to (relevant to), possibly a third condensate (or even multiple other condensates). The point is that the 'landscape', on ANY 'side' of a condensate (there usually being two 'sides', i.e., a flattened-balloon, however there may actually be any number of 'sides' or 'surfaces' to a condensate, each 'side' having its own specific 'landscape', relative to whatever other condensate(s) it may be relating to!), has hills, mountains, valleys and plateaus which are comprised or derived from 'inputs' TO that condensate FROM other condensates and/or 'sources', whatever such may be!
  64. (Ruquist)Whoa! 'phase-space-shifts' of 'Time and Space'? Every paragraph has a new concept. How can spacetime be phase-shifted?? It does not even have phase. Only waves have phase.

  65. (Jerome)Don't know what you're referring to here! As far as I know, phase-space-shifting is a basic requirement for anything to 'transfer' itself to anywhere else, WHEN time and space DO EXIST! (Are you referring to electromagnetic 'waves', which certainly have phase, but that is a completely different definition!)
    Now, I'm going to get to another most important 'aspect' of a condensate-balloon (whether that condensate is the penultimate condensate of Infinite Consciousness OR any smaller condensate that should exist within that Incorporeality and/or Cosmos!) And such is why I call all of this (what I have been discussing!)... Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics, or QUFD!
  66. (Ruquist)OK
    We already realize that we are talking about the quantum regions or realms of unobservable Incorporeality. We also realize that we are talking about a unitary field, or fields (actually condensates!), where all nuclear forces/fields and gravities are unitary, null, void or such (however scientists may ultimately define 'unitary'!)
  67. (Ruquist)You say above that the condensate contains all such things.
    Now, lets get to the final and ultimate 'reality' about these condensates. Anything that occurs within any and all condensates, is occurring DYNAMICALLY, or instantaneously - IN THE MOMENT
  68. (Ruquist)How can this be if condensates do not have time?

  69. (Jerome)They do and they don't! Again, it depends where you are - in the 10-d 'real' world, or the 10-d 'parallel' world, or your 11th dimension!
    - and thusly the 'landscapes' of EVERY condensate are dynamically and instantaneously IN MOTION, or ACTIVE! And that 'activity' is all related TO whatever the 'inputs' TO that particular condensate may be at any particular time AS WELL AS that specific condensate's 'relationships' with other and ALL condensates, THROUGHOUT the entire Cosmos and Incorporeality! Quantum Unitary Field DYNAMICS - QUFD!
  70. (Ruquist)The landscapes involve the outside of the condensates as you have said. So I can understand how that involves time. But nothing in the condensate should involve time based on your original statements.

  71. (Jerome)Again, what 'world' or 'dimension' are you viewing this condensate from???
    And there are a lot of 'dynamics' going on in Incorporeality at any moment! But lets narrow it down just a bit further, in examing the 'reality' of dynamics! In a specific condensate, we start with a GROUND-STATE of basic COHERENCE, which I have said is related to the purpose or reason for that condensate existing in the first place! AND, very importantly, we also start with another DUALITY, although quite different from those dualities we have so far discussed. This 'duality' is ORDER versus CHAOS!
  72. (Ruquist)Sorry. Dynamics within incorporeality not allowed unless you change your definition of incorporeality!

  73. (Jerome)WHAT??? Dynamics are only possible within Incorporeality!!! NO WAY, Hosea, do 'dynamics' occur in Corporeality!
    Actually, 'Order' and 'Chaos' do derive from a previously mentioned Duality, that of Positivity versus Negativity, or Lucifer versus God (Heaven versus Hell)! Accordingly, within our condensate which we are discussing, which is OVERALL comprised of quantum axion particles of Positivity, there is, fundamentally and basic TO each and every GROUND-STATE, the 'qualities' or 'states' of ORDER and of CHAOS, which represent, consequently, the 'digital-action' of YES (Order) or NO (Chaos), with regard to ANY ISSUE or matter (aspect) which that condensate may concern itself with via its 'inputs'. Further, Order is basically comprised of Positive quantum axion particles, whereas Chaos is basically comprised of Negative quantum axion particles!
  74. (Ruquist)You already said the condensates are completely ordered. It seems to me that you are undoing everything you ever said about incorporeality!

  75. (Jerome)Again, WHAT viewpoint are you talking about??? PLUS, WHAT instant of time are you talking about??? From what perspective, and what condensate??? Richard, it is so simple! Yes, it is also complex but somehow you seem to be making it more complex than it is! All you have to do is put on Einstein's 'rose-colored' glasses to see the roses, and then put on the 'orange-colored' glasses to see the oranges, and so on! But all of this 'fruit' exists in the 11th dimension, WHERE YOU CAN'T SEE IT, unless you put on the right glasses and even then it is no longer IN the 11th dimension, but is either in the 10-d 'real' world OR the 10-d 'shadow' world!
    (Okay, an interjection here, regarding the very nature of any condensate! Throughout this discussion, I am talking about, and have said, that the basic 'nature' of a condensate is of Positivity and of Positive quantum axion particles of Consciousness! I will 'qualify' that statement! Positive condensates are all related to Life-form 'entities' which are basically Positive in their 'nature' and can be said to be OF Infinite Consciousness, or God, or Heaven, and the Positivity thereof! However, there does exist, WITHIN that overall condensate of Infinite Consciousness, those 'dimensions' which are known as the 'Nether Regions', Hell or Hades, or the Luciferian Complex of Consciousness and 'dimensionality'! In other words, Negativity! AND there ARE certain Life-form 'entities', existing in both Incorporeality AND Corporeality, whose condensates ARE, by their very 'nature', NEGATIVE! In such cases, the basic quantum axion particles OF said condensates are Negative! That is all I will say about this 'sector' of Incorporeality!)
  76. (Ruquist)Does that mean that Lucifer is not a lifeform??

  77. (Jerome)Actually, you're right! Anything that does not exist in Corporeality, but only exists in Incorporeality, is a Spirit-form! But then, Spirit-forms and Life-forms are interchangeable! I don't think I want to discuss the Spirit-world!
    Okay, we have the necessary requirements, within our condensate, for dynamics to occur: we have a GROUND-STATE, we have ORDER versus CHAOS, and we have INPUTS (from wherever!) We also have the basic ATTRIBUTES of a condensate, such being: COHERENCE (in this case the Ground-State, or basic reason for existence); SELF-ORDERING (which really entails actions that take place between ORDER and CHAOS!); ADAPTIVE COMPLEXITY (which relates to what dynamics might occur relative TO the INPUTS thereto such condensate!); and we also have SENTIENCE, or SPIRIT (which is the Guiding 'factor' or 'Intelligence' behind any and all 'dynamics' that might occur, wherein such 'dynamics' do include such things as reasoning, logic, and any and every attribute of intelligence and compassion which, of course, come from the basic fact that this specific condensate is a part of, unitarily, the penultimate 'Source' of All That Is, that gigantic condensate of Consciousness, which is Infinite Consciousness!)
  78. (Ruquist)Is the 'source of all that is' a separate condensate??

  79. (Jerome)Hey, there are separate condensates, and there is God, the penultimate condensate. I don't know if time and space exist beyond God, but they do exist between all condensates within God and yet time and space do not exist within God if everything is unitary! So what is the problem as to both of these 'realities' existing at the same time??? I'd say that the 11th dimension permits both condensates of 'reality', the 10-d 'real world' and the 10-d 'shadow' world, to exist simultaneously while spacetime does not exist, but is unitary, in the 11th dimension!
    Okay, we now put all of these 'dynamics' into action and the result IS... whatever it is, IN THE MOMENT and instantaneously, relative TO the specific purpose for the existence of that specific condensate, AS WELL AS its particular and specific 'interaction' with any other condensate (or condensates) OR any particular 'aspect' OF Corporeality! In such 'reality', our condensate may be the lower human mind (interfacing between Mind/Soul and the brain). Or it may be the Upper human Mind, the Soul or Self, interfacing between the lower mind (the self) and the rest of the Cosmos and Incorporeality! Or it may be the condensate-balloon of the Life-form of anything else in the Cosmos, such as an ant, a rock, a tree or a pulsar!
  80. (Ruquist)Is there a separate condensate for each mind in the universe, or are some condensates collective? In other words, does each thing in the universe have a separate condensate, or do all rocks have the same condensate???

  81. (Jerome)Hey, Richard, you are getting down to basics here! Yes, every 'mind', that participates within Infinite Consciousness, no matter what the Life-form is, is a condensate! There are individual condensates and there are 'collective' condensates, according to Carl Jung, who said that not only was the 'Collective Consciousness of humanity' the condensate of the entirety of humanity, with condensates corresponding to your 10-d 'real' and 'shadow' worlds AND the 11th dimension, but that the 11th dimension was equivalent to that gigantic condensate of Infinite Consciousness (God), while the 'real' world was actually Corporeality, or humanity's existence IN Corporeality, while the 'Collective Consciousness' was the 10-d 'shadow world' of humanity! This makes perfect sense, in that any experience, that any human being has, in the 'real world', is over and done with IN that 'real world' (except for conscious-level and individual lower-mind/self 'memories', which, of course, might fade away over time!) BUT, the 'shadow world', the 'Collective', being an Incorporeal and unitary condensate (unitary because it exists within the 11th dimension of Incorporeality!), here is what happens to that specific experience: When ANY 'experience', of ANY human being, occurs, it ALSO is 'recorded', in that 'Collective' (which has also been called the 'Hall of Records' or the 'Akashic Records', which Indiana Jones hasn't 'found' as yet!) But it is 'recorded' IN ITS ENTIRETY as well as being recorded FOREVER, because the 'Collective Consciousness of humanity' is unitary, in Incorporeality, where time and space do not exist, and Past, Present, and Future are ONE! Now, the nice thing about Incorporeality and the 'Collective', is that when one has 'lost' all conscious and sub-conscious 'memory' OF THAT EXPERIENCE, it is still 'there', IN the 'Collective', full and complete, and entirely 'accessible', as to every 'moment' OF that experience! All one has to do (according to Carl Jung!) is to BREACH that 'Veil of Unknowing', or 'Veil of Separation' (as he called it!), between the self and Soul (between lower mind and Upper Mind/Soul), and 'KNOW OneSelf', which means to 'Know' or access one's own Soul! And the reason for this is that one's Soul (Upper Mind), being part and parcel of not only Infinite Consciousness but ALSO of the condensate that is the 'Collective Consciousness of humanity'... Therefore, ALL human 'experiences', OF ANY TIME AND PLACE, are there, in the 'Collective', ready to be accessed BY ANY SOUL of any human being of MATURE Mind! Of course, one has to 'breach', or get past, Lucifer's 'fingers-of-negativity', that do NOT allow the individual to 'Know ThySelf!', or one's own Soul, because those 'fingers' are sandwiched between Upper Mind and lower mind, preventing the human 'self' from knowing the human Self/Soul, except fleetingly in dreams, when Consciousness permits random and unconscious 'access' to worlds, condensates and collectives beyond the individual local human Mind! Many of my discourses on the QUFD website have to do with how mankind and the Soul of each one of us can 'access' the 'Collective' and beyond! If you haven't already read it, perhaps you will find this link, as well as other documents in the QUALIA series on the website pertaining to Immature Mind versus Mature Mind, to be interesting: Lectures. When you get to the Lectures page, click on the Lecture entitled "Remembering!" As to rocks having their own condensate, there are rock 'groupings' which have their own condensates, similar to the 'Collective' for humanity. In fact, Carl Jung also put forth a few more condensates, or 'groupings', of Consciousness, stating that each RACE of humanity was itself a 'grouping' or condensate of Consciousness. Likewise, as I have mentioned herein this reply, one's FAMILY is a condensate, one's TRIBE is a condensate, one's OFFICE or work-related 'group' is a condensate, one's NATION or STATE is a condensate, and so forth. ANY human activity that results in cooperation (OR even competition, as in sports!), creates a condensate, where the related 'activities' of all those human beings engaging IN that 'activity' generate a self-ordering within Infinite Consciousness/Incorporeality that creates a new condensate RELATIVE to that 'activity'!
    The final point is, that what I have described is known by many 'names': Incorporeality, Undifferentiated Relativity, Spirit, Consciousness, Infinite Consciousness, God and... What I have here done is describe It, as scientifically as I can, using the known laws, principles and facts, of Quantum Physics and more, such that anyone can now understand the basis and fundamental 'Reality'... of That Which Is!
  82. (Ruquist)Well, I cannot understand it. It needs much more specific definitions and the removal or explanation of seeming contradictions within your presentation.
    Anyway, I hope this is helpful rather than hurtful.

  83. (Jerome)Okay, Richard, do these clarifications help?

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