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Poetry From the Heart

These are Poems that I wrote:


He’s like a smile.

But not a smile for me.

I can only hope for a stolen moment 

of his thoughts.

Pictures of eternally blown kisses

curl upon my walls

Memories lying

flat in a sealed envelope,

unsent, unframed, un...

Call when you need a friend

he said

but please don’t call... I know

I went by your window, 

and tried to find you

in the small empty room.

I looked down at the lonely mattress

and tried to make you be there

one last time.

I’ve wanted to cry for you

so many times.

I tried once, and the tears fell

slow and long.

I quickly wiped them away

and laughed away the silly things.

While sifting through a box,

I caught a whiff of his old cologne,

and briefly wondered 

whose scent it’s mixing with now.

My favorite ring

went your way too.

Soft Silver lying errant somewhere.

Maybe stolen, maybe treasured,

maybe worn.

I wrote a poem about you 

that I expected to close the matter.

Then I spent hours polishing it up,

and found that all I had done

was written a poem that I didn’t particularly like.

Memories of a Lost Friend (1981-97)
Walking by the memories

The Meeting

The friendship

The fight

            (I hate you

             I never want to see you again)

And I never did

If I could only hit rewind 

Erase it and try again

            (Don’t leave

             Stay near

             Be careful

             Take care of yourself

             I love you)

And most of all


The one word I never got to say

I would take it all back in a heartbeat

Just to say


            (Goodbye Deena)

She sat there motionless.

She had lost the will to move,

well not unless she had to.

The lights were dimmed,

the curtains closed,

the only sound in the room

      was that of the T.V.

She was not watching it,

      but had left it on.

Any sound was good company.

She stared at the floor,

and looked at everyone as if

      she didn’t care about anything.

That was not true,

      she did care about other people.

Just not enought about herself.
Lingering in the Past

why am i so stuck on him?

he shows no compassion

or consideration for my feelings

except every once in a while---

when he says he misses me

and wishes i were there

and i fall for it

oh, the fool that I am

i page him

just so we can talk

and i wait by the phone

as though it were my lifetime

why am i so excited

or downtrodden by his every utterance?

he isn’t the love of my life

though he could have been

i guess that’s why i keep hanging on...

he still could be


you couldn’t be that foolish

you’ll never learn will you?

lately i allow myself 

  too much 

    love too strongly

      and with abiding passion.

and I know all to well

  that nobody wants to be loved obsessively.

    we all want what we can’t have,

      and don’t want what we can


so why do i have to love you?

  it’s not as if you’ve done anything for me lately,

    or as if i feel especially 

      good about myself when i am with you.

        so i need you because why?

it’s sort of like you are a life preserver

  or something

    i’m not whole without you.

      is this why i fear losing you, 

        and waste time wanting what i can’t have,

          and feeling like the heroine 

            of one of those ridiculous teen romance novels?

my name ought to be cindy or brooke,

  and you ought to show up at my door one night

    with a bouquet of roses,

      and declare your undying love for me.

but life isn’t a novel.

  not as if i hadn’t realized that long ago,

    but i never gave up hope.

      even now, i still hope kind of.

i tell myself “why bother”,

  but then I think,

    what if it is true what they say,

      and you only get one chance.

        pretty pathetic at 17,

          but possible.

so what if you’re my only chance for love,

  but i’m not yours?

    so then what?

      am i basically just screwed?

it hurts to love so much.

  i push it to the back of my heart.

    the only way to deal with out exploding

      into a million tiny pieces.

you’re in my heart.

  you’re also in my soul.

    and try as i might, i can’t get rid of you.

love is a grand and glorious thing.

  yeah, whatever!

    anyone who believes that for a second is naive,

      or else lucky.
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