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The Official Fantasy Basketball Newsletter of the Millennium

The Game....

If you either play, or plan to play, in a Rotisserie Basketball league, you have come to the right place. I write a monthly newsletter for YOU. I give YOU information YOU need to win. Read the enclosed newsletters that I wrote before the 1997-98 and 1998-99 seasons. See how entertaining and informative they are. I want you to then think about those so-called "basketball experts" that write for the Pro Basketball issues of "Street & Smiths", "The Sporting News", "Fantasy Basketball Guide" and others. Do you get true insight reading those? Do their ratings seem real? Don’t you just laugh when Mitch Richmond is rated the #25 guard TIED with Todd Day and Toni Kukoc? Don’t you just wish the person writing that article was in YOUR league? Easy money, huh? Well, this newsletter is useful. That year I projected Antoine Walker and Michael Finley for breakout years BEFORE they went off in pre-season (although the newsletter was printed after). As you can see, I also predicted a big step-up year for John Wallace (which would have been better if the coach had played him the minutes he earned with great stats). Yeah, there were some errors. Baker was huge in Seattle (and I didn’t say he would be a stiff, just to be careful), but Kemp was down in Cleveland. Sura turned out to be stiff, but that was due to the injury and Brevin Knight. Fox, Gill and "Stiff" Robinson did have a MUCH weaker years.

What else does a newsletter subscription give you? Well, not only do I give you true ratings for each player, but projected ratings, and I will give you things you can’t get elsewhere:

1) a week-by-week breakdown of games played by team (for use in exchanging 4 game players for 2 or 3 gamers).
2) PERSONALIZED ratings of the players (if your league uses turnovers, or fouls, or free-throws made as categories, I will run the ratings with those included JUST FOR YOU! (what other service would do that? NONE!) You just have to tell me what categories your league uses, and I will send you ratings using those.
3) FREE phone calls and analysis of your teams, picks, ideas, etc. Yes, I will call YOU and discuss these items. A subscription to my newsletter allows for 4 calls a year, up to 10 minutes a call. So you get 40 minutes to bounce ideas off me, and discuss basketball. ON MY CALL!

Anyone that has played Rotisserie Baseball has heard of John Benson’s Baseball Guide and probably read the original book by Glenn Waggoner on it. Well, my newsletter is supposed to be a combination of both. Light-hearted and fun but filled with VERY important info that will NOT be given to you in those magazines. Or did you not buy the 1997-98 one where the writer on the Pacific Division wrote his "Team Analysis" BEFORE the Freakin’ NBA draft? How can a magazine allow THAT?

Well, I give great info and am open to ideas to improve it. What are my credentials? I am a CPA (a number-cruncher like John Benson) who has played in one league for 9 years, finished 2nd once and 1st FIVE times (yes, I won this year again, a "3-peat"). And before you think it is a "weak league", let me tell you that 3 others in my league played in the Statman-Plus leagues out of New Jersey, and one came in 2nd, the other 4rd, one finished 7th and I came in 3rd (too many injuries). And these are 30-man leagues that pay 5 slots. And I went in the "Mid Season" league as a partner with one of them also, and we won it by 10 points. OH, and these 2 guys finished tied for 6th and 9th in our 11 team league. So you can see how competitive this league is. As a matter of fact, had the 2nd place team dropped Otis Thorpe on the last week for Chris Whitney, he would have beaten me and won. And the 3rd place team probably would have won except for the injuries to Gugliotta and Brandon. Hey, one team in our league, finished tied for 9th place and if he had 2 blocks, 2 steals and 2 "3’s", he would have finished 5th. NO "weak-league" smack allowed here! If you are interested in a subscription, email me and I will provide you with the information you need to decide. You have nothing to lose, and much to gain.

Click on the links below to read:

Rod's February 1, 1999 Newsletter

Rod's Oct. 98 issue of "Basketball Newsletter for Rotisserie Junkies"

Rod's Oct. 97 issue of "Basketball Newsletter for Rotisserie Junkies"

The Facts of the Lockout

Other Links

Hihofink's "New Jersey Nets NBA page"
USA Today's Chris Colston "The Rotisserie Chicken"
HoopsWorld - "A GREAT basketball site for a fan of the game" - "If it is about basketball, you will find it here"
Statman-Plus' Fantasy Basketball Championships
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
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