RageII, RageII+ DVD, Rage Pro patch and benchmarks
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Rage II, II+ DVD, and PRO info... ..

3.3 Release of XFree86 releaaased on June 4, 1997...

Support for the all RageII chipsets (II+ DVD, and PRO) firmed up with the 3.3 release released on Jan 17, 1997. Thank you again Kevin and Marc. To find out more about 3.3 FAQ

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Performance Comparisons of RageI, RageII and RageII+

I have run a comparison between the RageI chip and the RageII chip using X11perf . The RageII+ improves upon the RageII and results below are preliminary. The test were run on the same motherboard. Unlike the WinMark number used in the DOS/Win31/Win95 world, X11perf is a dissected test which does not try to assign an individual lumped number to gauge performance.

Here is an excerpt from the "man" pages for X11perf:

The numbers below are expressed in terms of operations/second...Higher is better performing.

...as of Jan 15, 1998

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