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The Life of Cynergy

Things have changed plenty in my life. I am a stronger person for it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't hard. Just when you think you have everything planned and nothing could mess it up life takes a 180 degree turn. I'm finally 18, my birthday was June 5th, and now I'm stretching my limits. Luckily I was able to at least open my eyes this early. I didn't want to of course but whatever, some things you just can't control. Anyway, I'm doing things now that I never thought I would do. I graduate Thursday, June 14th. Just days after that I leave my hometown for good. When I went into high school I felt so innocent, insecure, and unsure. Now I'm crazy, confident, and in control. My parents finally let go, so I can do what makes me happy. I took some time off to find myself. It wasn't as glamourous as I had hoped, but I'm glad I know where I stand in this world. Appearently I'm a major ethical egoist. I hear it's not a bad thing, but utilitarians, and those damn altruistic goody-goodies can't handle me. Oh well, I enjoy myself. I'm generally a nice person, but I do have my mood swings. A couple of beers, or as is more common a few Smirnoff Ices, and I'm all smiles and laughter. OH, side note, DON'T drink and drive! The best times in my life have been hanging out with the girls getting a "attitude change" and enjoying a few laughs in their driveway and watching the drunken adventures go down.

Weezer - No One Other
I chose this because he says, "I want a girl who will laugh for no one else, When I'm away she puts her makeup on the shelf, When I'm away she never leaves the house, I want a girl who laughs for no one else". This is tough, but basically I do put away the make-up unless my boy is around.

Crazytown - Butterfly
"Come my lady, come come my lady, be my butterfly sugar baby". This song is here because I am someone's butterfly and i absolutely love it when he sings this (or any song) to me. I know it's kind of sappy but i think its cute, even if this song isn't classified as "romantic" it works.

Check out my babe's beautiful car! It's a '91 Mustang GT. He puts a lot of work, time, and money in it. I just enjoy the ride. :)

Check out an awesome MUD called Curse of Atlezelle!

As you can see this page is clearly a work in progress, and i have very little time to work on it. Eventually it will have content. Enjoy.

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