My attempt at a home page!!

Before continuing down my page, please stop here a moment and have a moment of silence in rememberance of all those killed and injured at Columbine High. This candle is placed here for two reasons, one is in memory of all the students, teachers, and family and friends and the other, is that it is a link to a page about them, please, please visit it....

NOTE: This site is always under

Welcome to my Homepage.......

ATTENTION PEOPLE! ! ! ! ! ! The time you have all been waiting for has finnally arrived........I'm updating my page....I have about an hour to do work, so I'll see what can get done!!!!!! My guy bashing page has been updated!!! As well as my poetry page

I guess I can tell you a bit about myself. Well, I love dancing, guys, cheerleading, guys, little kids, guys, reading, guys, guys, writing poetry...Ummm.... Oh yeah, did I mention guys? Yes, that's another of my traits, I'm boy-crazy!!!! Ask anyone who knows me...I'm a big flirt!!!!!!!!!!
This isn't the greatest, but maybe if a certain person *STEFANIE* would come over, it would improve greatly.....*g*

For those of you who have been here before, may realize that something is missing....all my friends!!! That's because I've decided that to make my page look less cluttered, I'm going to put them on thier own page, with interesting facts about each of them!!!! See them here!!!

Kay, just to fill space and for something to do, I'm putting some jokes!!!!

There was this little boy who was finishing his breakfast and was getting ready for school, when he asked his mom, "Mom, how old are you?" His mom looked at him and said "What kind of question is that? Never you mind, now finish your breakfast, the bus is coming" So the little boy finished his breakfast and turned to his mom and asked, "Mom how much do you wiegh?" His mom said "That's none of your get your jacket on, the bus is coming." So the little boy puts on his jacket and turns to his mom again to ask "Mom, why did daddy divorce you?" And his mom started to push him out the door saying "I don't have time for this right now, the bus is here now go to school"
So the little boy got to school and was telling his friend about his morning, and how his mom wouldn't answer his questions, so his friend goes "Look in her purse, her driver's licence has all the answers" So when the little boy got home he looked in his mom's purse and looked at her driver's licence.
That night at supper the little boy goes to his mom, "I know how much you weigh....You weigh 121 lbs." His mom just looks at him. "I know how old you are" The little boy continues "You're 26" His mom looks at him "You're right, how do you know?" The little boy just continues "I know why daddy divorced you.....You got an 'F' in sex!"

GUYS ARE JUNK! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
NEW! a letter a couple of "boys" wrote me! A must-see!

Go see my links
Read some of my poetry here!
Dare to find out more about me?
Here are a 'couple' of my favorite quotes!

Please E-mail me!!! I love getting mail!!!

WARNING: I will answer your mail, but most likely not for at least a week after getting it!!!!

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