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Urban Hip-Hop Banner Exchange

This is a great way to promote your website for free. It's a Banner Exchange program that only show websites who have something to do with Rap, Hip-Hop, R&B, or any type of Urban Music. The ONLY none Urban site that will be in the rotation will be the sponsor. The BEST thing about this Banner XChange program, is you might even see yoru OWN Banner appear on your website, just to show you the system is being FAIR throughout all the websites involved. It's very simple and easy to sign up. Just e-mail below, and give these easy and basic things:

1) You HAVE to Put the Banner on your MAIN page or intro page. If you want to add it to other parts of your site, that is good, but you HAVE to put it on the Main or Intro page.

If I check your page, and you have a SLOW LOADING page, then the Banner HAS to be at the TOP or in the Middle of the page, Not the bottom.

2) Make sure your Image is in .GIF format.

If you dont have a Banner created, and want to make one, you can go to either The Banner Generator, CoolText or the ImageMagick Studio.

No matter which one of these steps you use, you are gonna HAVE to Transload the made banner to your own webpage account, and you can do that by going to The Transloader. If you try it, and they say you need the Transloader 2, then e-mail me your MADE Banner you already made, then I'll use my Transloader 2 account to Transload it for you.

Now E-mail me the following information:

Subject: Urban Hip-Hop Banner Exchange

Website URL (address):

Image URL (address):


After you have e-mailed me your information, Put the BANNER EXCHANGE CODE on your website RIGHT NOW!!! Do not wait, I will check the code, and e-mail you back within 24 Hours to let you know your website is in the rotation.


After have e-mailed me, then Put the Banner Code on your site, you should see the banner below on your page, rotating all the different Urban Hip-Hop websites.

Urban Hip-Hop Banner Exchange

If you have your own website, and you want to make money by just having people click on banners, then GO HERE TO GET SPONSORED.

Another way to Promote your website is to join my Urban Hip-Hop Webring. CLICK HERE to learn more about the webring.

Urban Hip-Hop Webring
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U.H.H Banner Exchange Sponsored by: