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N. E. W.

(Network of Educators in the Workplace)

Newsletter -July 1999
by Karen Barroso


Minutes:  June Organizational Meeting 

I  would like to thank everyone who attended the business meeting and brought resolution to the NEW/TEW  issue.  I would also like to thank the membership for their support with this issue and Bet, Kathryn, and Kathleen for helping me with the survey.  Gloria, thanks for the meeting warm-up activity and being flexible with last night's agenda.  After much healthy discussion at Chef Wang's (which by the way  has an excellent menu & are terrific hosts, good choice Alex!) we came to the conclusion to try NEW as TEW on a trail  basis for 6 months.  The group also voted to give $400. of about $674 in the NEW treasury to the workplace conference for seed money in the hopes that if a profit is made at the conference, some or all money will be reimbursed.  The windows was also left open to ask for more, if needed.

Thanks again team.


What does this mean for NEW?

The area network group remains the same with monthly meetings, the only changes are:

  1. For the next 6 months (trial period) we'll operate as a local network group under CATESOL TEW-IG (Teaching English In the Workplace-Interest Group) and will not use the name NEW.
  2. There will be no newsletter.  All announcements of upcoming meetings & events will be sent out via email and posted on our local website; and on our CATESOL Interest group web page then click on our interest group page. .
  3. There will be no dues collected, membership will be through CATESOL; however, CATESOL membership is not required to attend local network meetings.


Coming Up July Meeting!!!!

 Date:  July 23, 1999
Time:  1 PM
Location:  Buchser Campus, ESL Wing
590 Washington Street, Santa Clara, Ca.
Facilitator:  Karen Barroso
RSVP: Bet Messmer or Karen Barroso

Purpose:  1. Establish a framework to grow our network under TEW-IG
2. Set our monthly meeting calendar for  1999-2000



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