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N. E. W. (Network of Educators in the Workplace)

Newsletter - February 1999

January Meeting News and Notes

Topic: "Best Strategies for Teaching Writing in the Workplace"
Presenter: Karen Barosso
Members met at Santa Clara Ed. Options for networking and enjoyed a wonderful presentation by Karen Barosso on best strategies for teaching writing in the workplace.  Karen's useful handout included descriptions of common workplace writing tasks and valuable guidance to successfully apply the writing process to meet business needs.  Many thanks for sharing expertise, knowledge and materials, Karen.

Thanks also to Maryanne Saunders and Bet Messmer for providing refreshments and all those behind the scenes who contributed tirelessly to ensure the success of our monthly programs.


Next Meeting: February 18, 1999
Topic:        "Teaching Pronunciation in the Workplace"
Day/Date: Thursday, February 18, 1999
Time:         6:00 to 9:00 pm
Presenter: Ann C. Cessaris,  Key Communication, Mountain View
Location:  Carrow's Restaurant
                  10630 S. DeAnza Blvd., Cupertino
                  408.996.8494 (call the restaurant for directions)
                  Cost:  $10.00 including beverage and tip
                  (Select from 6 entrees when you arrive)
RSVP by 2/17: Alex Scott  650.858.1271 or Kathleen Miranda  408.267.8884
Would you like to know more about speech training and pronunciation techniques?  This is a rare opportunity to meet and hear Ann C. Cessaris, M.A., a speech specialist and the founder of Key Communication in Mountain View.  Ann is the author of Fluent American Speech, a speech training and accent reduction program she designed for ESL students whose speech patterns need adjustment.  Ann has worked extensively with all levels of ESL professionals in companies throughout Silicon Valley.  Join us for dinner and hear a professional's point of view for improving communication.
Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendar for these upcoming events, meetings, classes and topics!!

Feb.  6      10-12 noon   Workplace Conference Planning Session, Mission College
                                           (see below)

March 19    1-3 pm Basic Skills/Literacy Issues, Gloria Burgoon

April 22       6-8 pm   Business Ethics Across Cultures

May 14       1-3 pm   CATESOL Sharing

Oct. 15         Day Long Workplace Conference, Mission College Campus

Workplace Conference
Planning Session:  February 6th,  10:00 am to 12 noon.

At the steering team meeting, Karen  Barosso reported the results of the planning committee's meeting at Gloria Burgoon's home on December 3.  The conference has a purpose, objectives, official name, and a defined audience.  John Wiley has also confirmed Mission College Campus as the location for the Workplace Conference se for Friday, October 15, 1999.

Karen Barosso is leading the effort to present this one day event.  This project will need a lot of support from our membership to be successful.  Come join the team and help make this a "state of the art" conference!  Focus on Feb. 6th  will be to set up committees and define roles.

Contact Karen Barosso (510.790.2686), Gloria Burgoon, Kris Pemberton, Kathleen Miranda or John Wiley ( for further information and detailed directions.


News Articles Wanted For CATESOL
How would you like to have your idea about teaching English in the workplace in the CATESOL NEWS?  Diane Andrews, Workplace Editor, announced that the publication is looking for articles of up to 1,000 words of practical interest to readers.  CATESOL NEWS is published in February, April, June, August and December and mailed to every CATESOL member.  Contact Diane Andrews, the CATESOL NEWS editor for English in the Workplace.  Contact Diane at 408.296.4619 for assistance in developing your idea and more information.

CATESOL Workplace Interest Group
Karen Barosso is heading up the effort to establish a workplace interest group within CATESOL.  Petition signers must be current, paid-up members.   If you are not a CATESOL member, consider joining.  If you are a CATESOL member, support this effort to provide an area within CATESOL that addresses the needs of educators with adult learners in the workplace.

Revised Membership Directory
Thanks to Bet Messmer and Gennie Dean for updating the data and printing the 1998-1999 Membership Directory.  If you have changes or corrections, contact Gennie at or 831.661.0820.  If you are a current, paid-up member, you can get your revised copy at monthly meetings or contact Gennie, who has the list on a disk and can send your copy electronically or by surface mail.

Teacher Training Classes at UCSC Extension, Cupertino
Diane Andrews, Successful Classroom Management (1 unit) $150 - 2 meetings:
February 18, 6 - 9 pm and Feb. 20, 9 - 5 pm

Karen Barosso, Teaching English in Business and Industry (2 units) $200 - 4 meetings:
March 4, 6-9 pm, March 6, 6-9 pm, March 25, 6-9pm and  April 2, 6-9pm

Both classes will be held at  UCSC Extension,  10420 Bubb Road, Cupertino

Community Outreach Program
The Presbyterian Church of Sunnyvale sponsors a low-cost language program that includes two ESL classes and a Mandarin class that meets concurrently Mondays, 7-9 pm.  Participating in the program are 35-50 primarily Asian students per session, classroom volunteers, paired conversation partners (outside class), paid instructors, and a program coordinator.  Class volunteers include new ESL instructors gaining experience.  Contract Diane Andrews, Program Coordinator, 408.296.4619.
Gloria Heistein, InterLect (e-mail)
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