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The Love of God

The Love of God
God is not willing that any should perish,but that All should come to repentance.(IIPeter 3:9b)
The Spirit of God is reaching out to you in love as never before.It's a love call. God loves you.Jesus the Son of God died that you may be saved from your sins.That you may live.JESUS is your way out. Jesus died that you may live and escape the flames of Hell.If you reject JESUS now,you may never get another chance.Yes,it's a love warning,the Spirit of God is calling out to you to repent,to turn away from your sins.For now is the day of salvation.Now is the time to give your life to Jesus.

There is no life without receiving Jesus into your heart and life.
Jesus loves you,and it is love today reaching out for your soul.I beg you to turn to God by asking for forgiveness of your sins. Jesus is your answer for peace of mind.Without Jesus there is no peace of mind.There is no hope without Jesus. If you fail to give your life to Jesus and fail to repent,should you die without Jesus as your Lord, you will live forever in Hell.
It is time to live for God and live Holy,for He is a holy God. There is a tug of war going on in the Spirit,a tug of war for your soul.The devil ,through sin,through drugs and different habits of the flesh,is trying to lure you away from God.Some feel there is no hope,that's the devil.Jesus lives. Jesus came that you might have life, abundant life!
By Randy Stephen Scott
© 2001 Living Water Gospel Tracts

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