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I have a mind to go on

  by  R.S.Scott

Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus Phil 2:5 .

What kind of mind did Jesus have? Jesus had a mind that always wanted
to do the will of God . A mind to go on in the mist of betrayal and disappointments.
When people hated  him for no reason and friends turned there backs on him.
He still had a mind to go on. When he was falsely accused ,spit upon beaten
and laughed at. He didn't give up. We are to have a mind like Jesus.
We must be able to say and be like Jesus. I have a mind to go on.
When friends plot against you still smiling in your face, when love one's
have already turned their back's on you. I have a mind to go on.
When church member's are gossiping about you . You must say "I have a mind to go
In the center of every thing that was going on against Jesus, Jesus did not
lose sight the will and vision  of God for his life. You need not faint and give over
to the spirit of discouragement and thoughts of hopelessness. Give that burden
to the Lord.
We are to have a mind like Jesus. A mind to go on .Let this mind be in you.
We must be warrior's for the Lords army in this final hour. Backsliding and giving up become not an option. It  makes no difference. I have a mind like Jesus . I have a mind to go on. Something down inside of me tell me to go on. My help comes from the Lord. I'm going on any how, what matter's now. Come hell or high water ,I have a mind to go on. I've made Jesus my choice.
 Christian Gospel Tracts

Jesus said, "Men ought always pray , and not faint, Luke 18:1.