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Pray until something happen

Pray until something happen
By Randy Stephen Scott
Nothing will happen until you pray. There are answers to prayer waiting to be born. Answers from God. You’re about to give birth in this hour to miracles .It won't happen until you start praying. Push push. Some of you are right at the door for a breakthrough. It’s time to push. PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPEN .The Word of God tell us Men ought always pray, and not to faint; "Luke 18:1. Your prayers, God hears every one. Don’t throw hope away. Don't throw your faith away. Your prayer and fasting is destroying something that’s been standing in your way of progress. Your unbelief and doubts is being removed. Your faith is being resurrected .The praying and fasting you've been doing has been building up your faith. Giving you a greater hunger to pray and read the Word of God. Some are crying "I don't feel like receiving more of the anointing of God through prayer and fasting .I don't believe it takes all of that. "That's when you have to push, and push. Pray. Push again in faith. God will give you the strength to pray until some happen not only in your life. I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Phil 3:14.
I press in the name of Jesus over worry I press and pray over stress, I press over depression in the name of Jesus. I press in the name of Jesus over bad thoughts and I push and press over the past hurts and failures. Push, push pray until something happen. This is not a time to nurse hurts and wounds. Rise up and do mighty things in God. Start fasting and praying until you hear from heaven. If there was ever a time the people of God needed to seek His face the time is now.
Rise up People of God Come forth in fasting and Prayer,
It is written, "I AM the LORD that healeth thee" That means you. The power of the Holy Ghost is coming down greater and greater. The power of God's Spirit is in our mist these days like great glory clouds all around us. Jesus is here for us. And He's still saying I am the Lord that heals you. Something happened when you prayed. Something happened when you believed God.
I've seen mustard seeds.”If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain be thou removed... Matthew 17:20
You have mountain moving faith .I have faith that moves mountains. What is your mountain? What ever it is, it can be moved right now by faith .God is going to move some mountains out of your life. There have been some things that have been standing in your way. Jesus told us to speak to the mountain and tell the mountain to be removed and cast into the sea. And it would obey you .I believe the word of God is true. Speak to your mountain what ever it may be. Have faith in God .In the name of Jesus Mountains are being moved out of your way .In the mist of what looked impossible, God is moving for you. God is over throwing the plans of the devil for your life Yes God is moving for you .God is performing miracles. Miracles .The devil thought he had you. But the attracts and pressure and fighting against you only took you to another level in God. God is moving for you. He has heard your prayers. You have pushed and pushed and something is happening.
Lighting the darkness
There's light coming to the dark places in your life. Strength is coming to the weak places in your life. An anointing has come upon you to touch the lives of others. To show love, to care and show understanding. Those that was discouraged that burden was just destroyed in the name of Jesus. It’s no longer yours. Take courage and fight the good fight of faith. You’ve reached the place where you let go of the flesh and take on the mind of Jesus. The peace of Jesus, the love of Jesus, the joy of Jesus. The understanding of Jesus.
"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5 Light has come; darkness and depression cannot remain. In the name of Jesus I command the spirit of oppression and depression to leave your mind right now. I bind the powers of darkness and loose them from your mind right now. You are loosed from the spirit of bondage right now in the name of Jesus. A demonic leech that was robbing you of strength has been destroyed by the power of God. The glory cloud is all over you and you can take whatever you need from the Lord. Ask what you will. Jesus said" What ever you ask in my name "Ask in the name of Jesus. Yokes have fallen off and have been destroyed because of the anointing of God. Bondages have been destroyed out of your life forever. From this day forth you're free to praise the Lord just praise the Lord, lets give Him the glory, Praise the Lord
He's worthy of all the glory, and all the praise His power is here all around us all in us, and all in us. The Power of God is here, and
it's getting stronger and greater and greater.
Waves and waves of His glory is filling the earth

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